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Leon: Man, this is taking longer than I thought.

Yuri: Just where are these damn things?

Leon: Look!
(Leon spots the pieces which are apparently golden chess pieces)

Yuri: There they are!
(Yuri and Leon walk up to the gold king piece.)

Leon: They look nice and-

???: Gaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!

Yuri: Hmm? What's that?

Leon: Wait...I know that voice. It belongs to......Yang!!
(Leon catches Yang as she flies helplessly towards him)

Leon: Yang! Are you okay!?

Yang: That too strong...I need a break for now...I'll be fine...

Leon: Good, as long as you're alright.
(The creature approaches Leon)

Creature: RRRRRAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Leon: You! How dare you hurt my Yang! I'll drain the blood out of your throat!!

Yang: Wha...?
(Leon strikes the creature in its chest)


Leon: What? My weapon did no damage to it. But how?

Yuri: Good job Leon, now you've made it mad. Here, lemme at em!
(Yuri slashes the beast in the chest)


Yuri: What? Second Star barely scratched it. Just what is this thing anyway?

???: Aragami.

Yuri: Hmm?
(Leon and Yuri look behind themselves)

Leon: Steven!

Steven: Let me handle this. Alisa!

Alisa: Right!
(Alisa jumps from behind Steven and slashes the Aragami 5 times.)

Alisa: He's weakened, finish him off Steven!

Steven: As you wish, Ragnarok! Shining Blade Beam!
(Steven cuts the Aragami in two.)

Aragami: Rrrraaaaahhhh......
(The Aragami vanishes)

Steven: Good, glad that's over with.

Leon: Great that you're here Steven.
But look...
(Steven looks behind him)

Steven: Hmm? Yang!!
(Steven rushes over to Yang)

Steven: Yang! Are you ok!?

Yang: Yeah...

???: There are more of these things coming this way.

Steven: Huh? Who are you?

Blake: I am Blake Belladonna, Yang's partner.

Steven: Oh alright.

Ruby: Wait for meee!!!

Steven and Leon: Ruby!

Ruby: There are more coming this way!

Steven: You've got to be kidding me...(sighs) I hate to do this.

Alisa: Steven, no!

Steven: Everyone! Get back!

Leon: Why?

Steven: You'll see. Just hide behind something!
(Steven holds his blade in the air and starts glowing)

Yuri: What the hell is that?

Steven: Shining Blade Wrath!!(Steven slams his blade into the ground, causing a large explosion)
(Meanwhile in another part of the forest)

Soma: (sighs) Over half an hour and still no partner, wonder how Lindow's doing.

Lindow: Yo Soma.

Soma: Speak of which. Yo, found a partner yet?

Lindow: Nope, guess so have to stick with you.

Soma: Uhh, sure.(Damn it all!)

???: Soma!

Soma: What the hell!? Who's there!?

Ciel: It's me! Ciel!

Lindow: Oh, hey, what's up?

Nana:(Coming from behind Ciel.) It's Steven! He used that attack!

Lindow: You mean-

Ciel: Yes, that attack.

Soma: That damn idiot! I told him not to use it!

Lindow: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Ciel and Nana: Right!

Soma: Ugh...
(The four run to find Steven.)

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