Chapter 6

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As her dream, or rather memory began to fade away, meaning Alice was waking up, she heard something. Alice heard her mother whisper, "Never grow up Alice, never grow up."
"Rise and shine," Newt gently shook Alice as his words lured her out of her slumber.

"Five more minutes," Alice's small voice laden with sleep pleaded.

"Sorry kiddo, you gotta get up before ya miss breakfast!" Alice groaned and rolled out of her hammock face planting on the floor.

"I meant to do that," Alice said, her little voice mostly muffled by the floor and Newt's laughter. He pulled her off the floor and carried her on his shoulders over to where the boys were eating breakfast.

"Not sure if you basically her dad, older brother, or just plain her best friend," Alby said to Newt as he walked by.

"He is my... Older... Best friend-brother.... Guy..." Alice giggled as she said this. Her giggled made Newt laugh, and eventually everyone in the glade at least was chuckling a bit.

Then, Gally and his minions had to rear their ugly heads. "I bet she can't even help in the gardens," Gally said mockingly.

"Seriously Gally what hell is your problem with her?" Newt yelled this at Gally as Alice stood up to defend herself.

"She is a weak, tiny, girl who isn't capable of anything," Gally said turning towards Alice who was now approaching him very quickly.

"You know what I am more capable than you, and I know it so I don't need to listen to any of your klunk, not mention your jealous," Alice roared, her eyes glowing with the flame of anger in her heart.

"Oh yeah? Jealous of what?" Gally's tone of defiance faltering.

"Your jealous of the fact that people clearly love and care about me, what I have to say, and the decisions I make! I unlike have the   brain capacity to actually help people, support them, and they want to help me! So sorry that you can't handle anyone being better than you! So you can take your sorry little butt and either shut up or leave!" Alice's voice carried throughout the glade. The anger and passion Alice was feeling was radiating off of her. Her emotions were practically palpable.

Most of the gladers were shell-shocked. After a few minutes of silence Frypan cried out, "Preach it sista!" Newt started to clap, Minho following suit. Soon enough everyone on the glade bit Gally and two of his minions were clapping or cheering.

Alice sat down and finished eating as if nothing had happened. Gally stood frozen to the spot from embarrassment.

Gally had just been told by a nine year old girl. That must sting. Gally stormed off at the fact that he was receiving no more attention from his fellow gladers. His minions didn't follow him.

Newt patted Alice on the back, "You said what nobody else would, what Gally needed to hear... The truth." Newt's voice rang and bumped around in Alice's head the rest of the day.

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