Chapter 9

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"Please let this work," Alice whispered before walking back to breakfast slowly and sulkily.

To Alice, breakfast dragged on. It felt like it would never end. The day would never end. All she wanted was for tomorrow to arrive. She wanted to know if her wish would be granted.

Alice finished her food solemnly. She didn't talk. She didn't laugh. She didn't smile. None of those things happened during the rest of the day.

No matter how hard the gladers tried, no one could cheer Alice up. Not even newt and Minho sass battling got a smile out of Alice.

The day felt depressing and sluggish. Time was moving so slow. Alice was anxious to see what tomorrow would bring. She didn't eat lunch. She barely touched dinner.

She didn't say a word when newt tucked her in. She couldn't. There was nothing to say. Her throat hurt. Her eyes were puffy and red. She just wanted to sleep.

She was torn. She wanted a calm peaceful dreamless sleep. But, she wanted to learn more of her past. She decided whatever happens happens. She decided to go with the flow. The flow decided on another dream.
"P-Please s-stop the p-pain! It hurts," Alice screamed. The horrible scientists didn't listen, though they never did. They continued sending chemicals coursing through her veins. They continued to poke and bruise and scar her skin. The poke holes and bruises went away... They faded, unlike the scars they sometimes left behind. She had scars from battles she didn't deserve to have to fight. She didn't have a choice in participating in this battle. She cried. "M-mommy please," her voice was weak. She felt weak. Alice felt the pain stop. The tubes and needles were extracted. She was free. "We're done for today. Scram kid," the loud, gruff voice of the scientist running tests on her today rang in her ears.

Alice followed orders and bolted. She ran from the lab, better known to her as, the torture chamber. She ran down a long series of hallways. She took lefts and rights until she can across a door. The door said, "Chuck's room".

Alice pushed open the door and walked in like she owned the place. "Hiya Chuckie!" Alice's voice was loud, but a bit shaky.

Chuck just nodded. He barely even acknowledged her presence. "By the way, sorry about your birthday," Chuck said quietly.

"For what? It was the best birthday ever," Alice said placing her hand on his shoulder.

"No, it can't have been. It was so awkward because of me," Chuck said. Alice saw a tear roll down Chuck's cheek.

"It wasn't awkward to me! I loved every second of EVERYTHING! Don't forget that okay Chuck," Alice said wiping the tear away. She placed her head on his shoulder. Both of the two could finally relax. Everything was fine. Everything was okay. There was a happy ending... At least for now.

As Alice's dream faded she heard Chuck whisper, "I love       you Alice."

And Alice quickly responded, "I love you, too."
A/N aww I just ship those two so much! They are so cute! They may not know what love really is, but that doesn't make it any less adorable. I am fangirling inside at the cuteness!! Anyway BYE!

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