Chapter 20

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As sleep overtook the young girl the only thought on her mind was that her Chuck was back with her, hopefully for good.
Upon awakening, Alice acted as if everything was perfectly normal. She walked to breakfast. She sat in her usual spot and began eating.

She spotted Chuck as he was looking for a place to sit and eat. With a quick motion of her hand Chuck came running towards her.

She scooted over a bit and patted the space next her. Chuck sat down before saying, "Ah, so you must be Alice, Newt has talked the world of you!"

Playing along Alice responded, "That's me, now my guess is you are the new greenie, and your name is?"

"Oh right, my name is Chuck," he responded happily. After the small introduction was made the two began eating. Even though the two knew each other very well, they couldn't let the other gladers know that.

After finishing their food Alice skipped off and Chuck followed behind. Newt had to help tend to the gardens that day luckily for the two lovebirds. They could enjoy a day all to themselves.

Newt was suspicious of them, but Minho convinced him they were just getting to know each other better. Even though, Minho himself was unsure of this. Nonetheless they thought nothing of it after that and went on to do their duties in the glade.

Alice and Chuck returned to the same spot as before, but this time Alice began to climb the tree. Chuck followed behind her at a slower pace due to not being good at climbing trees.

They just sat up there and talked away the time. Not in the same way as last night, but it was talking either way.  The two barely felt as though time had passed, yet lunch had already arrived. They ate lunch next to each other and laughed and talked.

Newt was starting to feel like a dad when his daughter won't tell him about her boyfriend. Newt considered himself her protector after all. Newt couldn't help but be worried about her. It felt like it was in his nature to make sure no harm, physical or emotional, came to this girl.

After lunch, the lovebirds ran off and back up the tree.  But, Newt followed this time, at a safe distance of course. He hid under the tree they were on and listened in on their conversation.

At one point the conversation went a bit quiet, as in Newt couldn't make out what they were saying. They had started talking in more hushed and hurried tones.

The conversation also went silent to Newt for a few moments, the her heard a small giggle from Alice. This made him really concerned. All he could think was, what are they talking about up there? Though, he didn't know that they weren't just talking...
Hi guys, don't assume dirty stuff was happening up in the tree! I need to remind you that they are in the 10-12 age range (I am a bit indecisive about Alice's age! I am feeling them both being 12ish... Make some parts of the story a bit easier that will come later!) Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed! See you next time! Bye!

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