Chapter 16

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The two continued their day like any other, half work half play.

About two weeks had past since Newt and Alice had made up. It was the day before the box was going to come up with a new greenie.

Alice couldn't wait! The excitement and anxiety were eating away at her insides, attempting to claw their way to the surface. Alice had been containing it since she found out when the next greenie was coming.

Alice couldn't hold it back anymore so she let her excitement fly free. The day dragged on and on. It felt as though a thousand years passed every minute. Every night had been peaceful and dreamless, which was a little unnerving to Alice.

Alice realized she missed the dreams good or bad, she wanted them. Alice craved the knowledge of her past. A craving only she had the ability to fulfill.

The rest of the gladers still didn't know about her dreams. Alice intended to keep it that way. She didn't want to find out how they would react. She couldn't risk them all hating her, she needs them.

Alice had begun to zone out. Her thoughts ran rapid. Her mind wandered beyond her reach. It felt like it would never return.

Soon enough it was dinner. Alice was extremely relieved at this. They were that much closer to the next greenie.

Alice had talked to her mom and Chuck earlier, but her mom had to go to a meeting and Chuck had to go to lunch.

Dinner actually went by at a decent pace. Alice just had to keep her mind off of the greenie and time flew by.

"Earth to Alice, come in Alice," Minho said poking Alice with the round end of his fork.

"Wha?" Alice just gave Minho a very confused look.

"We were just askin' you if you are excited for tomorrow," Minho replied attempting to dissipate Alice's confusion.

Alice made an odd squeak-like noise before screaming, "YES! I am so excited!!" As Alice said this she began to spring out of her seat.

"Woah! Calm yourself you animal," Minho responded trying to help Newt in keeping Alice in her seat.

"Alice you should probably head to bed since your done eating," Newt suggested allowing a now calmer Alice to stand.

Alice nodded her head furiously and sped off to bed. Newt eventually made it there and tucked her in.

Upon Newt leaving, Alice's excitement and adrenaline drained from her body. Her mind calmed as she drifted off to sleep.
OMG! 1k reads! Wtf? THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I love you guys! Writing is my passion and I am so glad people seem to enjoy it! You guys may or may not be my enablers for my wattpad writing addiction...... Anyways see ya next time bye!

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