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A week or so went by and I got a message on my phone from two of moms students (one of them being Taylor) about how my mom loves her better than me and all this mumbo jumbo. I just played the game and agreed so that I could get me some sleep. Later on that day after I completely forgot about them texting me I got a call from my "best friend" and her girlfriend that went a little something like
Her (best friend): "Who were you talking to today?"
Me: "I don't know who"
Her: "You don't remember talking to anyone?"
Me: "Um, I don't know who?"
Her: " Taylor"
Me: "Oh yeah she took my number from my moms phone"
Her: "Yeah ok don't talk to her anymore"
Me: "Yeah ok whatever"

I was a little pissed after the conversation because I'm just like wait... You and I both know I hate for people to be able to think they control me, and you came at me all wrong! But whatever who cares I don't have to talk to Taylor she is dating someone anyways, so fine. It had been two weeks (at the most) after then and I hadn't talked to her, and out of nowhere she asked my mom if she could spend the night at our house (mom said it was fine). I had NO idea and my mom didn't even have the decency to let me know she was coming until later on in the day. At this time I was still a little mean from the "Army Training" and a little bitter from the fact that neither my "best friend" or her girlfriend wanted me to talk to her... so the only thing I could say was "Why the fuck is she coming here we don't know her." Well my mom went to get her anyways and I took them both to get some subway and I got Little Caesars and we went to my house. Where we all split I went in my room and closed my door behind me and my mom and her went to watch movies and eat. My mom shot me a text telling me it was rude of me to just walk in the house not speak or anything and just go in the room. So I sat in with them watching movies, devouring my Italian Cheese Sticks, and telling a few jokes here and there just to see the smile of hers. Not even 15 mins of her being there she gets a call from her parents (not too sure which one) who were outraged about her being there.
"Well didn't you get permission?" I said.
"Yes I did, I don't know what's wrong." Said Taylor.
Next thing we know they're saying they are coming to get her. My mom hates people knowing where she stays and didn't want them to come over acting crazy, because we had already had so much going on in our lives, so she just volunteered to take her back home so we did. The next morning we were informed on what happened and why her parents wanted to come get her and I was completely shocked. I had been lied on... It was told to her parents by whomever that it wasn't I good idea her staying over there and how I was going to try and have sex with her, turn her out and how I'm a hoe and all of this other stuff. I mean it was really messed up I did nothing to anyone. I did what everyone wanted. My mom talked to Taylor's mom about a whole bunch of shit I told her not to speak of and got a lot of shit started and I was just in the middle my name being pulled and put wherever. I'm surprised I didn't just SNAP! I kept myself calm mom spoke to Taylor again, after she spoke to Ms Kim (Taylor's mom) my mom had promised Taylor that when all of this gets sorted out and calmed down she can come over. But I didn't hear from her a while after that...

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