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Nightmares. My sleep had been plagued with nightmares. Nightmares about the maze, about how things used to be, about everything that I could remember. I was having another one when Aris woke me up. I jolted up, into a sitting position, he covered my mouth so I didn't wake the others. He removed his hand from my mouth, he looked disoriented, frightened.
"What's going on?" I asked him. He looked around frantically. "What did you do?" He didn't say anything, which was typical of him, but he made me go through the vents.
He led me to a white hallway with pipes for ceilings and he looked around again.
"Aris, answer me, what did you do?" I asked him. He gulped.
"The newbies are escaping out." My eyes widened.
"They can't do that."
"You're the only one who knows how to get out of here, Y/N, please you have to help them."
"Aris, I can't!" It's important to know that we were whispering at the time, which led me to believe that they were here too. "Aris, if they get out-"
"They're going to take them tonight." He cut me off. "We have to help them. For Rachel. For your brother."
"He is not my brother." I said, sternly. "I ran away from that when I was very young. I haven't even met him. I'm not even sure he's my brother. Just because that doctor said so, doesn't mean it's true, and Aris, I can't handle having an addition to my family right now." I told him. He looked around.
"Stop!" I heard a guard yell. They weren't facing us, but what I could guess, by people yelling, the group Aris was talking about.
"So this is why you brought me here? To take care of them?"
"Please, Y/N." He begged. He was my best friend, I couldn't just ignore his plea. I sighed.
"You and them owe me big time. You interrupted my sleep for this." He smirked.
"I gathered you didn't enjoy the dream you were having anyways." He smiled. I rolled my eyes. I went around the corner as the guard walked passed us, straight to a wall. I ran quicker and quicker, then I tackled the guard. I stretched a bit, looking at the boys who stood in front of me.
"Shit, mate." The british blond boy said, impressed.
"Language, mate." I replied. "I take it you're the newbies trying to escape." I looked around, then seeing the boy who constantly made it a point to make a scene in the cafeteria. "Hey! You're cafeteria guy!"
"Cafeteria guy?" He asked.
"Yeah, the one who always makes a scene while the rest of us are eating like normal human beings." There was a boy with black hair who suppressed his laugh. "Now, we have five minutes to get out before this whole place goes on full lockdown. What do you wanna do? You wanna go now, safely, without a hassle, or should we read a magazine first?" I took the guard's gun, tossing it to Thomas. "Think you can handle that? Maybe without drawing too much attention?" He rolled his eyes. "Good. Now anyways, what do we do? Get out or magazine?"
We went into the medical wing, Thomas frantically looked around.
"You know, I don't recall this being one of the choices." I sighed. "You guys just love the bloody attention, don't you?" I blocked the door with a table. The blond and cafeteria boy broke a window and he helped the girl go through it. The blond offered his help to me but I declined, going through it myself. "Have you guys never heard of the word stealth? I think you should learn it and learn how to use it next time." I commented as we ran to the door. I sighed. It was not opening. "Come on, Aris, come on." I mumbled as the guards and ratman caught up to us. "Bloody hell." I cursed. Cafeteria boy had begun to threaten them, walking forward.
"Let me guess?!" He yelled. "Wicked is good." Yup, drama queen, but hey, it gave us time. The door opened and I saw Aris on the other side. I nodded and smiled.
"You chose good ones." I whispered when I walked through the door. He smiled at me. The doors began closing, which gave me flashbacks to the maze. I closed my eyes tightly and opened them again. He was going to make it, I knew that, but all I could see was the people who didn't. I sighed, turning around away from the door, getting the gun from the unconscious guard. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around.
"You okay?" Aris asked me.
"I'm fine." I told him softly. "Let's go! We don't have much time!" I called to the others. We went to the exit doors which opened before us. This scorch was where I ran away to when I was younger. Now, it was one of the only places I really knew.
We ran up the sand dune, the girl leading the way. I smiled.
I really liked this group. They were good.
"Over here!" She went into an abandoned building. The boys stood there. I rolled my eyes.
"Chickens." I muttered, sitting on the slope of sand and sliding down. "Woo!" I smiled. I reached the bottom and I got up. The boys followed.
When everyone was down, the girl demanded an explanation from Cafeteria boy. He told us everything, about the bodies. I looked at Aris, who nodded at me, knowing what I was asking. I took a deep breath.
"Dammit." I muttered. I turned around walking in circles. Cafeteria boy was asked by the british boy if he had a plan.
"Yeah. I don't know."
"Well, we followed you out here, Thomas and now you're saying that you have no idea where we're going or what we're doing?!" The british boy began to raise his voice.
"Shut up and calm down!" I yelled, my eyes closed, turning around. I opened my eyes to see everyone looking at me. "Yes, you followed him out here, blindly, and yes, cafeteria boy is a bit of an idiot for not having a plan-"
"It's Thomas." Cafeteria boy corrected, I raised my eyebrows.
"Really?" I asked. "Out of all the things I said, you're going to correct me on your name?" I asked. I pointed to my face. "Do I look like I care about what your name is right now?" He gulped. I nodded, putting my hand down. "Anyways, bickering about not having a plan is as stupid as not having one. So we are going to make a plan, okay?" I asked. I looked at Aris.
"Wait. Janson said something about people hiding in the mountains. Some kind of resistance or army." He said.
"The Right Arm. The Right Arm. If they're really against WICKED, maybe they can help us."
"People. In the mountains. Mountain people. That's your plan?" British boy asked. I sighed.
"It's the only chance we have." I sighed.
We were looking around for things that we could pack up. I was with the girl.
"I mean this with the utmost respect," I told her. "But you're a reckless little group of pals, aren't you?" She chuckled.
"It's always been like that." She told me.
"Yeah? Spontaneous? No plans just dive right in?" I asked. She nodded.
"Yep. Even in the maze." I smiled, nodding.
"That sounds nice."
"It was frightening."
"It always is." I told her. "Plans or no plans." I extended my arm out. "I'm Y/N." I smiled.
"Teresa." She shook my hand. "Cafeteria boy is Thomas, by the way. Just so you know." I chuckled.
"Yeah, no, I think I'm still going to call him cafeteria boy." I half-joked.
"The black haired boy with Thomas right now is Minho and the british one is Newt." She told me.
"Talking about me?" Newt asked from where he was.
"Just telling her what your names are." Teresa told him. She looked at me. "Maybe you two should get acquainted. Maybe you knew each other." She told you.
"What? Just because we both have accents that immediately means we knew each other?" I joked.
"No, but you two are pretty contrasting, but at the same time, you are exactly the same."
"That doesn't make any sense." I told her. She chuckled.
"Go, I'll be fine."
"Says the girl who was immediately taken by Wicked on your first day." I joked. "Besides, I don't need anybody in my life. Unlike you and Thomas who are-"
"Yeah, shut up and go."
"Language." I told her.
"Says the girl who yelled everyone to 'shut up and calm down'." She retaliated. I rolled my eyes.
"I had a reason to."
"And I have a reason to tell you the same thing. Now, go."
"I'm going, but not to him, because I have things I have to talk about with Aris."
"Are you and-"
"No. No no no. No. Ew. That's... ew." I cut her off. "I mean, no offence, but I think of him like my brother." The power went on. "Oh no." I put my hand on my forehead. "No offence, but your boyfriend and Minho are idiots. Go to the others and stay with them." I told her, running off. I saw Minho and Thomas running towards me with a horde of Cranks chasing them. "Oh my god, how stupid can you be?!" I ran away, up the broken escalators, the others following behind me.
"Thomas, Minho, what are those things?!"
"I don't know!" Thomas yelled.
"They're cranks!" I answered at the same time. There was a crank blocking our way. Aris hit its leg with a bat, the crank falling on me. I kicked it off me and towards the first floor, it fell with a thump. "Maybe a bit of a warning next time, Aris?" I asked. We ran again. Newt fell as a crank tackled him. I kicked the crank through the fence and helped him up, a flash of memory went through my head, but I ignored it at the moment. It wasn't a good time.
We hit a dead end and the others had begun trying to break it down.
"I'll hold them back." I said, pulling out my gun and shooting. They finally opened the door and we got out, but Winston had been scratched. He was infected. We had to run. Thomas and I were the last ones to go. We stayed in a hole that night. I looked at Winston's scratches, they became worse by the minute.
"What are you doing?" Newt asked me. I brought out a bandage from my sack.
"Y/N was one of the best medjacks while we were in the maze. Trust me, if anyone knows how to take care of injuries while you're on the move, it's her." Aris told him. I got the salt and my water bottle, mixing it together.
"Hey! That's your only water bottle!" Teresa told me.
"I know." I muttered. "But he needs a disinfectant and salt is a good disinfectant so right now, he needs it more than I do." I answered. I poured it on the wound, which stung him, luckily I had some to spare. I closed the bottle and bandaged up his wound tightly to stop the bleeding. "He needs to rest now, so I suggest we stay here for the night. Besides, I don't think anybody's in a state to run." I sighed.
While we were walking the next morning, Winston had collapsed. I ran to his side.
"Make room!" I told everyone.
"I thought you disinfected his wound?!" Thomas yelled.
"I did!"
"Then why the hell-"
"Thomas." Aris told him. "She's doing all she can." He told him. I put Winston on his side to clear his airway.
At some point, we just had to carry him.
When we stopped to rest, I walked around thinking of something I could do. Anything.
"Are you okay?" Newt asked me.
"I'm fine." I answered.
"You say that a lot." He pointed out.
"Because a lot of the time, I'm fine." I shrugged.
"Really?" He asked.
"Of course. I'm just thinking."
"Winston." I answered. "He's infected." I admitted. "I don't know how I can disinfect this type of infection. I don't know the cure. I don't know." I sighed.
"Look, we're low on supplies right now, maybe-" There was a gunshot. I ran to Winston who laid on the sand, throwing up blood. I laid him on his back and listened to his breathing. It was wet. I looked at his wound and it had spread. I looked away.
"It's growing inside me." He breathed heavily. "I'm not going to make it."
"Winston, come on, there has to be something I could do. You will not die." I told him. "You can't die."
"Please. Please. Don't let me turn into one of those things." He pleaded.
"Y/N, do something-" Thomas told me. I looked at Winston who looked at me. I sighed.
"I can't." I told him. "I can't do anything. Even if I had the supplies, I can't. He has the flare and there's no known cure for that." I sighed. "I would be able to postpone it, but not stop it, but that's only if I had the supplies, which I don't." I stood up, stepping back. Newt got the gun and gave it to Winston, putting it on his chest.
"Thank you." Winston breathed. "Now, get out of here."
"Good bye, Winston." Newt said, leaving. I gulped as everyone left. I turned around.
"Wait." He told me. I stopped, looking at him. "Take care of them for me. Make sure they get out alright." He told me. I nodded. Right there, in front of me, he put the gun under his head. "You know when they say your whole life flashes in front of your eyes before you die?"
"I've never thought I'd be this happy to die." He admitted. "You have to tell Thomas."
"I can't tell him."
"You have to tell him the truth. He deserves to know."
"Please. My dying wish. Just tell him." He told me before he shot himself. Every bit of my instinct told me that I could help him- save him, but I knew I couldn't.
I gulped, walking away, catching up to the others.
"Are you okay?" Aris asked me. I shook my head.
"I just need to think." I sighed.

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