2 (Jack Frost) The Guardian Spirit

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I do not own any of the original stories nor the pictures/videos used, all credit goes to original owners.

This is a Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians fanfic, requested by a friend of mine.

Hope you enjoy

~ Alexis ~

Third Person's P.O.V

North's Workshop, Saturday morning, December first. The place is bustling with activity as the Guardians meet up in the Globe Room. "Where's Frost Bite got to?" Bunny asks as he hops over to join the group. "Ah, he'z probably late again." North calls as he paces back and forth, ringing his hands. "North, what's the matter?" Tooth asks gently, fluttering over and placing a light hand on the mans shoulder as he chuckles almost nervously.

"Eh, do you remember Holly?" He asks as a smile spreads across each other present guardians faces. "Course mate! How couldn't we?" Bunny exclaims as North chuckles. "Yez, vell-!" He begins before a crash comes from somewhere in the Workshop, just soon after a yeti appearing, exclaiming dramatically to North. "Vat do you mean, ze elves have destroyed ze toyz!?" North bellows before hurrying away, leaving the others to wait in the Globe Room.

"What's wrong with him?" Jack, flying in through the sky light, asks. "Yer late." Bunny said as the winter spirit lands atop the globe, sending a bit of frost over Canada with his staff. "Hey, I was bringing a snow day to Burgess." He said with a smirk as the bunny rolls his spring green eyes. "Mate, ye-!" He begins but cuts himself short as himself, Tooth and Sandy turn their gazes to the sky light, eyes wide in shock. "What...?" Jack trails off, turning his head.

A shadow darts across the light that shines into the room, and instantly Jack has a hold of his staff in both hands, Tooth is fluttering madly, Sandy has dream sand swirling around him while Bunny has a tight grip on his boomerangs in each paw. With a swish of the air rushing by a mat black form spins into the room, creating an arch over the globe and Jack as he turns, looking up at it before it lands behind them all.

The guardians are on guard as the form unfurls itself, revealing it to be someone bathed in a long black cloak. They're too short to be Pitch, who'd disappeared at the start of the year from his layer - two years after they'd trapped him there - so they have no idea who it is. "Who are you?" Bunny demands, glaring harshly as two, slender and pale hands produce themselves from the cloak, heading upwards to the hood at an immensely slow pace. With the fingers curling themselves around the rim, the hood is slowly lowered to reveal a female with her eyes closed and her head held low.

She has dark brown hair with a lock from either side of her head - just behind her ears - taken back to be clipped behind her head, keeping her hair from falling in front of her face, most of it sits on her back, but a small portion lies in front both shoulders. Her features are soft, and as she raises her head her long black lashes lift to reveal eyes that seem to swim with different colours. With a smile playing on her rosy lips, a mischievous glint which catches Jack's attention sparks to life within her eyes as the three guardians on the ground let their mouths fall open, their weapons and arms lowering.

"Miss me?" The girl asks, raising her hands in a little questioning shrug while allowing her head to cock slightly to one side. "Sheila!" Bunny exclaims as all three gain a huge smile while the Australian jumps forward to envelop the girl in a furry hug, spinning her around as she laughs. "Oh! Let's see your teeth! Are they just as white?" Tooth exclaims, shooting forward to grab a hold of the girl as Bunny puts her down. She opens her mouth wide to allow Tooth to see, who then squeals. "Oh! They're like the snow outside!" She yelps, going to dive her fingers in for a better look but the brunette ducks to dodge them. "Long time no see, Sandy." She said as the little man waves at her with a huge grin on his face.

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