8•5 (Jim Hawkins x Reader prt2) First Mate

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I do not own any of the original stories nor the pictures/videos used, all credit goes to original owners.

Jim's P.O.V

I lean against the railings of the ship, looking out to the stars that we've been sailing through the past few days after the miraculous save from the Inn. Captain (Y/N) said that the cyclops guy shouldn't do much damage to the building other than it being filthy and furniture being broken up, but that we should stay away for a few weeks so they'll give up and leave, so she offered for us to stay on the Seas Eye. It's been great so far, the crew had a celebration for the return of their captain when we arrived on the ship and we got far enough away not to be found, though I think it was just an excuse to have a drink.

"How you doing there, sailor?" I turn my head to see (Y/N) approaching from behind me with a smile, her sword on her hip and hat on her head. "Alright, I suppose, it's good to be traveling again." I say with a small grin as she leans back against the railing next to me, arms folded over her chest. "Yeah, must be tough having the heart of an adventurer while staying in one place all the time." She said, looking out into the sky on the other side of the ship.

"Yeah." I all I reply with, looking back up to the starry sky while she glances at me. "You stay home to help your mum?" She asks as I give a light shrug, fiddling with my hands. "Yeah, kind of, but she's been getting on really well lately, I can't help wondering if it'd be alright for me to join a crew to go off somewhere..." I say with a slightly furrowed brow as silence falls between us, (Y/N) looking off with a thoughtful expression.

"You know..." A few minutes later in the the stillness I turn my head at her words. "You get on well with the crew, you've got a good head on your shoulders, and I am currently looking out for a first mate..." She said, glancing sideways at me with the slightest hint of a smirk as my eyes widen. "Are you serious?" I ask with a raise brow, straightening as I lift my arms from the railing, her smirk only growing. "Fancy being the newest member of the Seas Eye, Hawkins?" She asks as the largest smile spreads across my face.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Come on, Hawkins, focus." I say with a sly smirk while raising my sword at the brunette. It's been two months since we traveled back to the Benbow Inn to return Mrs Hawkins and help her fix the place up again after the cyclops messed it up before leaving again with her son, and he's fitting in with the crew perfectly. "Ah!" Jim cries out as he lunged at me with a swipe of his blade, but I block the blow easily. "You're distracted today." I say, our faces only a few inches apart with the glistening crossed swords between us. I'm teaching him how to fight with a sword, training almost every night as the rest of the crew go to settle down in their bunks or to have a drink in the mess hall.

"What's on your mind, sailor?" I ask before stepping out of the way, twisting the blade of my sword around his own to push it out of his hand as he falls forward due to the sudden lack of resistance. While Jim lands on his hands and knees I catch his sword by the handle in mid air as it falls, having to wait only a second before he's standing again so I throw the weapon up, grasping the blade lightly so I can hand it back to him handle first. "It's nothing." He replies, taking the sword in his grasp before swiping it to the side, knocking my own blade from my hand so it skids along the decking of the ship.

"Nice disarm." I say with a nod of approval to him as he smirks, holding his weapon up to aim at my chest while I raise my hands as if I'm surrender. "But." I say, holding a single finger up on one hand before jumping sideways, landing on my hands to continue moving, landing on my feet above my sword which I kick up and into my hand with one of my feet. "Always make sure they can't easily get back to their weapon." I say, raising my sword again as we both stand on the defence.

"In all fairness, that wouldn't necessarily be considered easy by many." He said as I offer a slight shrug. "You should think of it as another point in your favour that you know your opponent so well, use your knowledge." I reply with, lunging forward and swiping at him as he blocks, our swords connecting and clashing over and over as we fight.

"But don't think you've gotten away with your little "nothing" lie, Hawkins." I tease as his eyes widen and our swords cross once more, the connection moving right down the the hand guards at the hilt. "What were you thinking about, Jim?" I ask with a quirked eyebrow as he gulps. "Well..." He is hesitant and almost nervous, his eyes glancing down for a second as I feel his hot breath spanning over my face, causing a shiver to run down my spine. It's not secret that I have developing feelings for the male, in fact I think the whole crew has a bet on how long it'll take till something happens between us.

"I... I..." Jim struggles to find words as he looks back up to connect our eyes once more, and at that point he stops trying. I gaze into the pools of blue that are the irises of my First Mate, his lips slightly parted with breath from our training, and my own do the same not a second later. He gulps, our swords which are still pressed together shifting, making the metal on metal sound while he leans forward. I'm taken by surprise at the sudden kiss, my eyes widening in shock as my body freezes, but as quickly as it happened I've relaxed, both our weapons falling to the decking with a clatter as I grab a hold of his jacket. The two of us so absorbed in each other that neither of us notice the cook and navigator by the door of the mess hall, the curly black haired cook looking disgruntled as he hands the navigator with straw like blond hair, who looks extensively smug, a small bag of coins before the two disappear to inform the rest of the crew.


Well, that wasn't one of my best... 😅 Hope you still enjoyed it though!

~ Alexis ~

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