cнapтer 3 || ❝Fuck Off❞

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❝Someone you haven't even met yet is wondering what it'd be like to meet a person like you.❞ -Tumblr


The sound of Millennium by Crown the Empire playing triggers Sin to get up for school. He swipes horizontal on his phone making the music stop, and tiredly gets out of bed. He pulls on a turquoise Band-Tee, maroon skinny jeans, and black Jordan's. He brushes his teeth and then walks down stairs to the café to eat some breakfast. "Hey Sin. How are you this beautiful morning?" Misa asks cheerfully cleaning the counter. Sin shakes his head and sits at the bar.

"How are you so happy at 6:30 in the morning?" He asks sighing. Misa hands him a plate with a cinnamon raisin bagel covered in cream cheese and a cup of black coffee. "I see no reason to not be happy. Anyway it's Monday, the beginning of a brand new week. Can't you be happy about that?" Misa replies as he gets the shop ready for his customers. Sin shrugs his shoulders as he eats the delicious mediocre food he received. Almost as soon as he finished a black limo pulled up in front of the café and he had to leave for school. He grabs his grey fur trench coat and walks outside and into the limo.

A butler opens his door and he slides into the car right next to Killua. "Hi." The shy boy with sky blue hair says with a soft voice. He was wearing his white hoodie with the cat ears -as usual- and his black vest over it, black skinny jeans, and white Converses.

 He was wearing his white hoodie with the cat ears -as usual- and his black vest over it, black skinny jeans, and white Converses

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"Hey Kill, thanks for picking me up today. You feeling ready to crawl through hell again?" Sin asks nicely, yet Killua could still hear the drag of dread in his voice.

"Yeah I think so," Killua says pulling his giant teddy bear out from under the seat. "I heard we were getting a new student though." Sin chuckles and doesn't respond. Great, another lost soul.


"Hey, do you know where the front office is?" Reign asks a girl who looks up at him with fearful eyes. Must be the tattoos... "A-around the c-corner and then t-to your l-left." She stutters out the directions and Reign nods smiling before walking off with the directions she gave in mind. He arrives at the front desk in no time and checks himself in. "Um, hun can you show this...boy to room 9-Z for me? Thanks doll." Reign turns around to see who the receptionist is talking to and his mouth falls slightly a gap when he sees her.

" Reign turns around to see who the receptionist is talking to and his mouth falls slightly a gap when he sees her

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