cнapтer 4 || Narcissist

104 20 24

❝I hate love stories, but I love hate stories.❞ -Afghan


It was the last class of the day meaning Sinclair wasn't excited to be going to this class. He would have skipped like he did the day before, but the security was rolling deep today. When he walked into Biology he saw his normal seat occupied by the girl he hated most in his life...Carla.

He knew her well because she was known for being so

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He knew her well because she was known for being so...stubborn! He had never met a girl so petty and stubborn that instead of killing her, he wanted to kill himself to end the suffering of his ears. He walked up to her and she looked up at him and smiled while propping her head in her hands as her elbows rested on the table, probably already knowing the next question in her mind.

"Can you move?"

"No, it's my seat."

"I don't see your name on it."

"Look harder, I know I wrote it on here somewhere." She says looking over the side of the table. When she can't see her signature she shrugs and looks back up to find Sinclair still looking at her plainly. He was boiling on the inside, but he knew better than to get into an argument with thee 'Queen'. He walked onto the opposite side of her and pushed her out of the seat. He sat down seemingly unfazed and as she stood up. Her face looked as red as a tomato. She started to try and push him out of the seat, but to no avail he didn't even move an inch. She gave up with a huff and stomped her foot on the ground childishly.

"Get out of my seat!"

"For the last fucking time Carla, it's not your sea-"

"Sorry I'm late to class, I had a hard time finding it-oh never mind I can clearly see that I'm not late." Reign walks into the small classroom interrupting their conversation looking like he got hit by bus. The arguing dynamic duo looked over to the sheepish teen and while Sin turned back around in his seat, Carla ran up to the boy and stuck her hand out. Reign looked at her and raised his eyebrows in confusion. She grabbed his free wrist that wasn't wrapped around his backpack strap and made him grasp her hand.

"It's called a hand shake," She smirks as they actually shakes hands. Sinclair felt himself get another foreign feeling in his stomach that pissed him off, but he didn't know what. He just continued to watch the pair with hard, curious eyes. "My name's Carla, what's yours?" She asked leaning in, getting a little too close for comfort in Reigns book.

"My name's Reign...just don't wear it out." He teases laughing. Carla punches him in the gut making him hunch over clutching his stomach. She laughs as he groans in pain. For a pretty short girl, she had packed quite some force into her punch. She was ranked an B-Class assassin. It wasn't every day that a girl so small got ranked so high, so naturally she had a reputation to keep. After reign stood back up he inhaled deeply to make sure his lungs still worked.

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