Chapter 9: Oh No...

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Buh bai!


Mark's P.O.V

Sean walked off to the door and opened it. He just starred at empty door way with a confused and semi scared look on his face.

"H-Hello...? Who are you guys...?" I was really confused at this moment and was tempted to stand up and go ask him what's going on, but I'm afraid I might mess something up. He looks like he's studying something.

He paused for a little bit. "As I said... Who are you guys...?" I was even more confused then before. Why was he talking to air?

Sean's eye opened wide. "Wait, which one's Kib?" There was a pause. Then he hugged the air like there was a person standing there.

-Hey Mark, I think those are his voices... Look closer-

+Mib, I don't think... Wait, did he say Kib...? That sounds A LOT like Mib+

-Look closer-

--Look closer--

---Look closer---

----Look closer----


I starred at the door way to see four people standing there.

I'm not going to have you guys read what they look like AGAIN.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to look and see who was there. I saw another four people behind me. They looked exactly to me as those other voices did to Sean.

I stood up and walked over to Sean.

Sean's P.O.V

I hugged Kib. Her skin was so soft and her hair was as soft and fluffy as Marks. I pulled away to look at her.

I heard footsteps coming toward me from behind so I turned around to see Mark walking toward me with four people walking behind him.

They looked similar to Mark, the same ways that my 'Voices' looked similar to me.

"Mark, who are those people behind you?"

"I was going to say the same to you..." He starred at me confused so I gave him the same look.

Something clicked in both of our minds.

Those were his voices in person and these were my voices in person!

"Looks like we both figured it out at the same time! Well I guess that I should tell you the names of my.... Hey guys?" Mark turned toward the people behind him, "Should we call you guys our voices anymore or what...?"

The girl over there said "Just keep calling us your voices Mark." With a smile.

Mark nodded. "Okay then. Well Sean, these are my voices. This is Mib." He pointed to the girl, "This is Bim." He pointed to the tall guy. "This is Lex." He pointed to the guy standing next to Bim. "And this is Ray." He pointed to the guys behind Mib.

"Well those guys, and girl, are extremely similar to my voices. This is Kib." I pointed to Kib. "This is Bik." I pointed to Bik. "This is Rex." I pointed to Rex, who was eyeing down Mib but I didn't say anything about it. "And this is Ty." I pulled Ty out from behind Kib.

Mark's stomach growled.

"Looks like someone's hungry!" Kib said looking at Mark.

"Yea I'm pretty hungry. I'll make some breakfast. What does everyone wan- OH! I forgot! Are you guys staying with us or something? Cause I'm not exactly sure that we will have room for everyone here..."

Kib stepped forward. "Yes we are going to be staying with you guys for a LONG time so we will find places to sleep and stuff. Also I can make food automatically appear for us 'voices' to eat so don't worry about us."

"Yea, Kib's lucky! She's the only one that can do that because just because she's the main voice means that she gets all of the powers!" Rex said as he crossed his arms and pretended to Poughkeepsie Wtf? 'Pouted' auto corrected to that.... I'm going to keep it that way lol like a little kid.

"I didn't choose to have these powers so don't make me feel bad about have them Rex! Don't make me use them on you! You remember the last time I had to do that!" Kib starred down Rex. Her eyes turned a dark blue color.

"I-I'm sorry K-Kib.... Don't d-do t-that again... Please..." Rex looked down.

"Good. I don't like hurting anyone anyway. So! As I was saying, udon the worry about us!" Kib smiled. "I'm sure that all eight of us will be able to handle everything. RIGHT GUYS?!" Her eyes darkened again as she looked around.

Everyone nodded quickly.

Her eyes turned back to the beautiful, bright light blue that they originally were as a big smile appeared on her face.

Mark shrugged and walked over to the kitchen to make some food so I followed.

I heard everyone moving around and talking behind us. I heard the words 'room,' 'food,' 'powers,' and 'beautiful' often.

Me and Mark made some pancakes and bacon. After making and eating our food, we looked around.

We saw Bik and Bim sitting on the couch arguing about what to watch on TV, and Kib and Ray talking over by the bookshelf. Ty, Rex, and Lex were probably finding places to sleep or something.

Suddenly, there was a very loud yell that quieted everyone. We all looked around at each other, looking for who made that yell.

That question was answered when Anti came stomping down stairs. We all looked at him. He froze in place when he saw all of the people in here. "Okay! Two questions! One! Why the fuck are there so many people here?! And Two! Why did I walk into the bathroom to take a shit, and see a person getting raped by two people?!"

"REX! GET DOWN HERE NOW WITH TY AND LEX!" Kib yelled as she ran upstairs.



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