Chapter Nine - My Princess <3

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im so so sorry i know that i promised to update a couple of days ago but to be honest i didnt have much time as basically my whole family has gone on holiday and i stayed at home but had to help that get ready to go and with my birthday and being forced to go out for days with my family i havent really had time, and i am so so sorry for that, i also didnt have enough ideas for the next chapter at the time so when i had finally wrote it, it was crappy so i started it again, hopefully this one is better than the first time that i wrote it, so enjoy my lovelies <3


 Emily's POV 

Waking up I find my self laying in my comfy bed, i thought i fell asleep on the couch last night, I think to myself stretching so that the sleepiness from waking up goes away. I look down and realise that I am now in my pyjamers not my clothes that i fell asleep in, who changed me, I wonder trying to remember who it may have been. I slip out of the warm clothes and get changed before heading downstairs to find out some answers. (Emily's clothes are in the picture on the side)

once I get down I notice an incredible smell coming from the kitchen, I walk in and find Lou sipping a hot cup of tea while Harry stands by the stove flipping something in a pan. 

"Good morning, love, have a nice night?" Lou asks, while looking up from the newspaper that was lying on the table infront of him.

"Hope you didn't have too much fun" Harry pipes up; a grin spread across his face as he asks making me blush. I simply shake my head to answer harry's comment, not trusting my voice at the moment as memories of last night flood into my mind.


"So what movie are we whatching" Niall asked not really seeming to mind, just asking to be polite.

"um, bridesmaides, if that's alright with you" I replied, I ask if it was alright with him because I don't  want him to have to sit through the movie being bored out of his mind. He nodded as a reply. I sigh happily. They had a lot of other movies that I could have chosen instead if he had said no. When I say a lot of other movies, I mean a lot of other movies there must have been hundreds of the things, but I absolutely loved this movie, I just had to see it again. 

We pressed play and the adverts for other movies began, I was so excited about seeing this movie again ...... and spending time with Niall alone, I would never tell him that though. I was planning on staying up all night with him just talking and watching movies, however tierdness had other ideas and as the movie was starting I started to feel my eyes getting heavy so I snuggled up to Niall. He looked down at me smiling but must have seen that I was getting sleepy, as he grabbed the blanket that was hanging over the arm of the chair and laid it over us.

The movie kept playing and I could feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier by the second, so I curled up as close as I could to Niall and let sleep take over me. But not before I heard one thing that I never thought I would hear, something that shocked me yet made me so happy inside.

"Goodnight princess, sleep well" Niall wispered to me before I fell into my pleaceful sleep smiling wide.

Back to present

That was the best moment of my life so far, I never thought that Niall felt that way for me, or maybe he doesn't, maybe he calls every girl his 'princess'. Probably not though as I have never heard him say that before, not to me, not to anyone. There is one thing that I know for sure though, and that is that I can't tell him that i heard him say that to me, well not for now at least. If I do it could ruin everything.

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