Chapter Fourteen - The Perfect Date!

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The next morning I woke up in my bed, in some ways I wish that whoever moved me into here last night, would have just let me stay on the couch, curled up against Niall with my head resting on his chest, just like it was last night. But I guess you don’t get everything that you wish for.                                                                                   

At that exact moment I heard a knock on my door, hoping that it was Niall, I quickly said “It’s open”.

However, instead of the sexy Irishman, Louis came into the room.

“Hey” He said, whist approaching my bed.                                        “

“Hey Lou” I said sitting up, motioning him to come and sit on the bed.                     

“So, Niall told me about your date together tonight” He said looking down and avoiding my gaze. I got puzzle and quickly got out of the covers to sit next to him.                     

“Lou, what’s the matter, I thought that you were happy that Niall and I had found each other again” I say while giving him a side hug and resting my head on his shoulder.                       

He sighed before speaking again “I am, it’s just...” he sighed again before continuing.

“It’s just, me and you used to be so close, we were like brother and sister,  and well since you got back, you’ve spent so much time with Niall and I feel like you and I have grown apart” He finished still looking at the ground. I sighed turning him around so that he is facing me.

“Lou, you will always be like a brother to me and no one will ever be able to change that, but I think I love Niall and I want to be with him” I say to him a tear falling down my check.

Louis didn’t want me to break up with Niall, did he? I thought to myself while looking down. Louis put his finger under my chin, lifting my face up so that I was facing him, and whipped my away the tear that was making its way down my cheek.                              

“I’m sorry, I should have never doubted you, and I know that you would never let anyone replace me” He said with a small smile on his face, but the smile not reaching his eyes letting me know that it’s fake and that he is only doing it to try to cheer me up.            

I take a deep breath and say “How about tomorrow me and you spend a day together, just us, like old times” As soon as this is said he smiles a genuine smile.          

“Thanks that would be nice” he says, the smile not leaving his face. We quickly hug and Louis pulls me off of the bed, pushing me into the bathroom.                          

“What are you doing?” I ask laughing.                                               

“I have a surprise for you” He says in return grinning as he runs out of the room before coming back seconds later with his ‘surprise’.                                                       

From behind him stepped four beautiful girls .

“Emily, I would like you to meet, Rae, Nicole, Ellie and Mikayla, our, err....... girlfriends?” he said pointing at each of them but then saying the last part as more of a question. He then gave Mikayla a peck on the lips before continuing.

“They are here to help you get ready for your date with Niall” He said winking at me before walking out the door.                                   

The Kidnapping! (Niall Horan/Vampire story) ~ON HOLD GOING THROUGH EDITING~Where stories live. Discover now