Chapter Fifthteen - Louis Day (Part 1)

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Emily’s POV

I woke up just as the sun was rising in the sky, the sun casting a pink glow across the morning sky, making me feel warm and at ease inside. I stretch my arms and legs out before noticing that Niall was no longer next to me. In a state of panic my eyes scan every inch of the land around me desperately trying to spot the one who stole my heart.                                                                                  

All of a sudden he appears from behind the trees and must have seen how worry struck I was as in a split second he is in front of me, taking my face in the palms of his hands and examining every inch of my face, trying to figure out what was wrong, before pulling my body into to his, and holding me in his tight embrace.                                       

“It’s okay, I’m here now” He whispers into my ear trying to calm me down, whilst I just dig my head further into his neck and focus on my breathing, which until now I hadn’t realised had quickened dramatically.                            

“I, I thought you had left me” I say once I had calmed down a bit, however my voice still shaky from panic.                                                                                                           

I could feel his chest go up and down as he lightly chuckled to himself, before he begins to explain where he disappeared off to.                                                                                

“No, I would never leave you, well not for long anyway, you see I hadn’t hunted in a week and I was beginning to get blood lust, and as you were still asleep, I went to hunt. I couldn’t risk hurting you.” He says explaining the whole thing, making me feel like a jealous pathetic girl, on the inside, for thinking he would leave me.         

I pull away from Niall giving him a quick kiss on the check and hoping that he will forget the whole incident, and for everything to just go back to how it was last night.That’s when I remember what I was supposed to do today.                                                                                                        

“LOUIS!” I shout, quickly standing up and hoping that it’s not too late for our day out. From the corner of my eye I could see Niall trying to contain his laughter, but failing miserably as all of his laughter bursts out at once and he holds his stomach to try to calm himself down.                                                  

“What are you laughing at?” I ask half out of annoyance and half out of curiosity.                                               

“I’m sorry, Emily, it’s just a couple of minutes ago you were crying because you thought that I had left you here and gone somewhere else without you, and now you are panicking about Louis.”                                    

Instead of answering him I just stand up and give him a look as if to say ‘Are you coming or not?’ in which he just chuckles more and stands up, giving me a quick kiss before taking my hand and leading me back to the house and back to the other guys.

As soon as we get inside the door I feel two arms pull me into a tight hug, my face being pulled into his chest, and the strong smell of their cologne going up my nose, giving away the identity of who had me prisoner in their tight embrace. Louis.                                                                             

“Emily, you’re okay! I thought that you had been kidnapped!”  He screams, making me laugh partly because of it being that it was them who kidnapped me in the first place and partly because of how serious Louis was being about it.                                                                                

“Awww, Louis, you can’t get rid of me that easily, now let me go and get changed so we can go for out day out together.

Louis’ POV

Once Emily had made her way upstairs, the lads and I made our way back into the living room to talk while I waited for Emily to get ready.                                                

“So, how was the date Niall? Everything go to plan?” Liam asked. We all wanted to know how things when between the two of them, we loved them both as a couple and could all tell how much he genuinely cared about her.                                                                                             

“It was perfect” he said, a smile on his face as pictures of his date appeared in the lads and my head of what had happened, pictures that Niall was obviously sending to us. His smile grew as a picture, of Emily cuddling up to him as the sun was setting in front of them, flows through our heads.                                                                

I was happy for them, I truly was, but I can’t help but think that I may like Emily as more than a friend, and the worst part is that sometimes I wish that it was me who was mates with Emily and not Niall. I hate myself for thinking that way though. I have a mate of my own for goodness sake; I love her more than anything and I couldn’t imagine being without her. But there’s just something about Emily that just entices me and makes me want to make her mine.                                                             

Luckily, before my thoughts about her get too out of hand and the lads see what I’m thinking, Emily makes her way into the room looking as stunning as always.                   

“You ready to go?” She asks, one of her magnificent smiles spreading across her face, making her beauty soar even further and making me want her even more.                                                                                                      

Not trusting my own voice at that moment of time, I just simply nod and stand up before walking over to her and leading her to the front door.                                                      

We say our goodbyes to the lads and go over to my car to start our day out together. Who knows maybe over time I will be able to win her heart, today could be the beginning of something between the two of us. 


Hey Guys so this is the next chapter, I'm so sorry that It has taken so long for me to post this but my laptop broke. Anyway this is only part one and hopeully part two will be posted very soon. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and what do you think about Louis possibly having more feelings for Emily then he origanally thought, please comment what you think bellow and vote, well i you think It deserves a vote. love you all so much and dont think that I havent realised how many reads and votes I have on this story its increadible and I ow it all to you guys for sticking by with this story. I love you guys so so much.


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