Chapter Four - We Meet At Last!

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hello my lovelies, ahhh so excited i've finally managed to do a longer chapter!!!! I really hope that you enjoy it, this chapter took me ages to write! anyway this was edited by @Rzayn14 she is truley amazing please fan her! well, enjoy the story <3


Emily’s POV

I stepped out of the old door to the outside world, the cold night air instantly hit my body making me want to go back inside and crawl into the warm comfort of my bed. But I knew I couldn’t, not this time I needed to get away. Be free from the rules of my kingdom. If I went back now I would have to get married to a complete stranger, I couldn’t do that. I want to be free to do what I want, be what I want and not have anyone telling me what to do or what to be.

There was one problem though;I had never been out of the castle grounds. My parents had never let me; they always said that it was too dangerous, even for a caster like me. So I chose to follow my heart and just go in a random direction, letting my legs take me away from here.

After two hours of walking around,I got tired and decided that it would be best if I stopped for a little rest. Before I carry on with getting as far as possible from my kingdom.Knowing that my parents will send people out to find me as soon as they see that I’m gone.

I saw a little park not far from where I was and thought that there may be a little bench that I could sit on to have a rest. As I got closer I noticed that there weren’t many people there just five boys sitting in the middle of the playing field talking. But what was I expecting, there to be many people? I mentally face palmed myself, of course there wasn’t going to be many people out, it’s the middle of the night for crying out load.

I walked over to the small bench that was in the corner of the playground, taking my bag off of my shoulder and getting a breakfast bar out of it to try and get rid of the hunger that I was feeling.

Suddenly I was slammed against a wall, my back and head hitting it hard and pain instantly filling my body. I look up and see one of the boys that where sitting on the grass, when I first got here. I take in his features, his brown curly hair perfectly framing his face, he was grinning at me, that’s when I noticed his teeth. His canines where slightly longer than usual and looked a bit like fangs and his eyes where bright red and glowing, showing hunger and amusement.

He moved his face to my neck and he smelled it? That’s when everything finally snapped into place in my head. This boy was a vampire.

“You smell good, better than anything that I’ve smelt before” he said snapping me out of my thoughts.

This is it; I thought to myself, I never once thought that this was how I would die. He moved his face closer to my neck and started kissing it then scraped his fangs over my neck. Good bye world, I thought to myself squeezing my eyes closed and getting myself ready for the pain, but it never came.

I opened my eyes confused to find the curly haired boy pinned to the floor by three of the other boys that were with him and another boy standing in front of me. He had blond hair and piercing blue eyes that were full of worry. I realised who this boy was. He was the boy from the dreams I have been having. But how is that possible. The silence between us was broken by him speaking to me.

“It’s alright, your fine he won’t hurt you, I won’t let him”he said trying to comfort me. I couldn’t help but smile; I had finally found the guy that I had been having dreams about. He was real and for some reason I felt safe around him even though I had just met him. Well in person.

“What are you smiling about” he chuckled, breaking me from my train of thought.

“Nothing”I lied not wanting to tell him in case he thought that I was being creepy or thought that I was some psychopath.

“Do you want to meet the guys?” He asks me. I nod and he turns around and starts to walk to the others, leaving me standing there smiling like an idiot.

“Are you coming?’ He asks chuckling and I run to catch up with him go with him to see the others. I’ve found him. I think to myself. I really found him. And from that point I couldn’t stop smiling.

Niall’s POV

I get up from a nice sleep and go down the stairs in a better mood to see if any of the guys feel like going to the park to get some fresh air and just to get out for a bit.

I arrive down the stairs and see them all sitting down on the couches.

“Any of you fancy going out to the park for a bit of fresh air?”Iask them receiving a chorus of “yes’s” and “sure’s” in return.

We get outside and run at vampire speed to the nearest park then sit down on the field just talking. About 10 minutes after we got to the park a girl walks onto the park grounds and goes to sit on the bench that was in the corner of the playground. She looks familiar but I don’t know where from.

All of a sudden Harry has the girl pinned up against the wall and starts kissing her neck all over. That’s when I suddenly realise why she looks so familiar to me. She is the girl I keep having dreams about. I can’t let Harry do this, not to her.

I tell the boys, then quickly vampire speed to Harry and the girl, the boy’s right behind me, fling Harry off of her and they quickly pin him down so that he can’t get to her and he soon calms down.

She opens her eyes and looks confused to why she’s not dead right now then realises that Harry had been pinned down by the others. She studied my features for a minute and I did the same to her, taking in her perfect blond hair that was put up in a side pony tail and her bright blue eyes. She looked stunning.

“It’s alright, your fine he won’t hurt you, I won’t let him”I told her trying to comfort her. She smiled at me and I couldn’t help but chuckle at this.

“What are you smiling about”I asked her chuckling more.

“Nothing” she says but I can tell that she is lying, I let it go anyway. I decide to change the subject.

“Do you want to meet the guys?”I ask her, knowing that Harry had calmed down from his blood lust. She just smiles and nods at me. I turn to the guys and start to walk over to them smiling to myself on the way. As I get closer to the guys I notice that I don’t hear her behind me, she’s still standing where I left her. This makes me chuckle.

“Are you coming?’’ I ask her still chuckling. She nods and runs up to catch up with me. 

I’ve only just met this girl in person, but I feel like I need to protect her. I finally found her;I’m not letting her go now. 


Thankyou soo much for reading it really means alot!

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dedication on the next chapter to the first person who votes and comments!

Love you all <3

The Kidnapping! (Niall Horan/Vampire story) ~ON HOLD GOING THROUGH EDITING~Where stories live. Discover now