Chapter 11

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Mottlepaw's paws ached with every step he took. Sheerpaw was leading them through the forest, the ginger she cat was still full of energy. Mottlepaw was lagging behind, letting Applepaw and Yellowpaw walk in front of him.

The forest felt cramped and Mottlepaw hated not being able to see the sky. While the others were fine, he wanted to get back onto the moor. He wanted to be back with Featherflight, Sunfur, Marshpaw and Meadowpaw. He wanted to be back in the sandy hollow, fighting with Furzestep or patrolling the SleetClan border. He wanted to lie in the sun in the camp while Stormkit and Sootkit attacked his tail.

Would Robinfeather's kits be apprentices yet? Probably. A bird fluttered in the trees beside him and Mottlepaw saw Yellowpaw watch it fly away.

"I'm starving." She murmured, eyes intent on the blackbird.
"Maybe we should rest here." Mottlepaw mewed. Yellowpaw nodded and Sheerpaw relunctantly dragged herself over.

"We're so close though!" She growled, fur prickling. "We could be back by sunset."

"Just a few moments." Yellowpaw crouched down and looked up. Her amber eyes blazed as she sprang right up. Her hind paws grabbed the trunk and she propelled herself upwards.
"Come here!" She shouted, forepaws outstretched. The bird cried out as Yellowpaw caught it.

The golden she cat plummeted to the floor. She landed perfectly beside Sheerpaw, head raised proudly.
"Anyone want to share?" She mewed though a mouthful of feathers.

Mottlepaw noticed Applepaw gazing at the SleetClan apprentice and felt his fur prickle.
"Nah, we should get moving now."

Yellowpaw nodded and quickly wolfed down the blackbird.
"That was impressive." Applepaw mewed. Yellowpaw purred as she flicked feathers from her whiskers.

"I can see moorland." Sheerpaw murmured in Mottlepaw's ear as he trotted to walk beside her. His paws itched. He itched.
"Thank StarClan." He needed to get out the forest now.

Can't wait till Yellowpaw goes back to SleetClan.

The golden she cat had changed since Creekpaw left. She had become more quiet and stuck to Applepaw's side. Even as they raced across Thunderpaths and dodged aggressive rogues, the golden she cat had stayed pretty silent. Only when they got into the forest did she perk up and begin talking.

Sheerpaw parted her jaws. The lithe she cat jumped over a fern.
"I can smell a river near by."
"No stopping you said." Mottlepaw purred and nudged her shoulder. Sheerpaw flashed him an angry look for reminding her of her own rules.

Mottlepaw saw the trees beginning to thin.

Moorland! I can see for miles!

He felt his heart skip a beat as he opened his mouth. The scents of heather and the wind in his fur lifted his spirits.

Applepaw suddenly appeared by Mottlepaw's side.
"I recognise this place!" He chirped. The brown tom looked behind him at Yellowpaw and then at Mottlepaw. His orange eyes were wide. "Head straight down the rock path and you'll be at the Gathering Place!"

Sheerpaw broke into a trot as they left the tree line and paused. Standing on the ridge, Mottlepaw could see for miles. The lake surface rippled far below him, on the other side was home.
"Wow." Applepaw breathed. His breath stirred Mottlepaw's fur and the apprentice stepped forward.

The last rays of sunlight caught his fur, turning it a golden red. With the sun in front of them, Mottlepaw looked at Sheerpaw and broke into a sprint.

MistClan territory past underneath him as he stretched his legs out. The wind caught underneath him and he felt like he was flying. Pawsteps sounded behind him and suddenly a weight hit him. Mottlepaw was sent skidding across the ground.

Applepaw had tackled him.
"I caught the mighty warrior!" He cheered, standing over Mottlepaw. His amber eyes were full of kit like excitement.
"Oh no Applestar. Please don't hurt me!" He teased. "I am but an innocent BreezeClan cat passing through."

Applepaw scoffed and reared up onto his hind legs. Mottlepaw took his chance, he rolled over and darted to the side. Well aware of Sheerpaw and Yellowpaws disapproving gazes, he leapt at Applepaw.

The MistClan tom let out a squeak of panic as he hit the moorland with a thump. The two wrestled for a brief moment
"I surrender!"
"Really?" Mottlepaw sat up.
"Yeah." He panted. Applepaw scrambled out from underneath the BreezeClan apprentice and looked up.

"I'll beat you one day." He mewed, tail tip twitching.
"Dream on." Mottlepaw called over his shoulder as he padded back to Sheerpaw. He flicked his crooked tail.

"You are literally a kit." Sheerpaw scolded.
"Whatever, I'm enjoying myself." Mottlepaw replied. The cliffs of the Gathering Place were in view and Mottlepaw swore he could see cats there. The full moon was just rising above the Twolegplace behind them.

"He's a good fighter, squashed me instantly." Mottlepaw pricked his ears as he heard Applepaw talking.
"I saw you, you caught him though." Yellowpaw mewed.
"He'll be difficult to fight when he's older, careful Yellowpaw if you see him on patrol."

Mottlepaw puffed his chest out at Applepaw's praised and sped up a little bit.

He would miss the others.

Yellowpaw, not so much. Sheerpaw, maybe not. The RainClan apprentice was too feisty and quick too fight for his liking. He guessed her warrior name would be Sheerclaw or Sheerfang for her fighting ability. He had actually thought about all their warrior names. Creekpaw, he would probably be Creekcloud. Yellowpaw would be Yellowtalkstoomuch, or Yellowpelt. Applepaw would be Appleheart.

He would be Mottlefur or Mottlepelt. His name would obviously refer to his unnatural pelt colour. He hoped to StarClan that the patches would fade into black that would match the rest of him.

"I see the leaders." Sheerpaw mewed as she paused. Mottlepaw's heart lurched and he swore he heard StarClan whisper.

Welcome home Mottlepaw.


They waited by the rock, waiting for the leaders to finish.
"We have had a moon blessed with plentiful prey." Greystar finished. Mottlepaw saw how old the SleetClan leader looked.

How many lives does he have left?

Mottlepaw scanned the crowd, his eyes caught a familiar flash of cream fur.


His littermate sat by Swallowleaf, his black ears pricked. The tom glanced around and he looked at Swallowleaf. Marshpaw whispered something to her but was shot down by a harsh glance from a warrior.

He saw Stormki- Stormpaw obviously, he was sat by his littermates.

Marshpaw fidgeted again and looked over to where Mottlepaw was.

Has he seen me? No good.

"Remember why we came back, we must tell our leaders what we saw." Mottlepaw whispered as the Clans began to disband. "This might be goodbye." He touched his nose to Yellowpaw and Sheerpaw's shoulders.

"Bye, it was fun travelling with you." Sheerpaw mewed. She turned to say goodbye to Yellowpaw as Mottlepaw turned to Applepaw. The brown tom leaned up to press his cheek into Mottlepaw's chest fur.

"Goodbye Mottlepaw, I'll beat you one day, watch me." His whiskers twitched in amusement. Mottlepaw got ready to walk into the Gathering Place, ignoring the fact his fur was hot.

"Ready?" Sheerpaw whispered.

Mottlepaw took a deep breath.


The Gathering Place fell silent as they padded in.

Warrior Cats; The Fallen Wind #2Where stories live. Discover now