Chapter 13

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Bulrushes waved overhead, their brown tails flicking the leafbare sky. The sun lazily warmed the RainClan camp and the still river surrounding it. The water was calm, no currents or tides pulled the cats away from shore.

Troutfin waved his tail.
"Oh StarClan I found the biggest catch yet!" The ginger and white tom vanished underwater with a splash as his sister tutted.
"Show off." She sat on the bank, gazing into the water from the safety of a dry rock. Behind her, the camp sat peacefully in a blissful state.

Sheerpaw, already bellydeep in water, waded further out. On the other side of the river, she saw Oakpaw and Foxpath training on the sandy ground. Sheerpaw had only had a brief heartbeat with her family before Hawkfrost whisked her back into training. The blue eyed deputy had immediately placed her on a hunting patrol with Troutfin, Addershade and Brightleap.

The littermates had eagerly accepted her into their patrol, and headed for the easiest section of river to swim.
Do they think I've forgotten how to swim?
Sheerpaw steadied herself, the water was colder than she expected. A lazy wave pushed at her fur, and she dived under.

Bubbles rose around her as she propelled herself down. Claws out, she paddled forward. The clear water revealed a dazzling world beneath the surface. Tiny fish, fish not worth catching, darted between rocks, scales glittering like warriors of SilverPelt. A dark brown body appeared beside her, Addershade. The warrior's teeth grabbed her scruff and he hauled her to the surface.

"What was that for?" Sheerpaw hissed as she trod water, her tail keeping her balance. She flexed her claws.
Did he think I was drowning? Stupid fishbrain.
Addershade said nothing as he dived under, showing Sheerpaw how to swim.

Sheerpaw bared her teeth at him.

"Sheerpaw!" Troutfin mewed from a few fox lengths away. A fish flopped from his jaws. The brown carp gasped for air and struggled. Troutfin, using his back paws to find a strong perch on a rock, went underwater for a heartbeat before leaping upwards. He tossed the fish up, releasing it from his jaws. Twisting, he grabbed the fish again, moments before it hit the water. He ungracefully fell into the river again, spraying Sheerpaw with fat droplets of water.

"Caught it!" He laughed, bursting with pride. His fur was sticking up at every angle, a downside of his new 'hunting move'.
"Excellent brother, revolutionary." Brightleap's purr sounded from the bank. Although she sounded sarcastic, Sheerpaw noticed her eyes were soft. Three thin fish, long slimy eel-like creatures, lay at her white paws. Her hooked claws dripped with fish blood and water.

Troutfin paddled towards her, strongly moving through the water with ease. He hauled himself onto the bank, his muscles flexing under his pelt. Drops of water slid of his fur like water off ducks feathers.
"If I get an apprentice, they will be able to do that." He said, dropping his fish at Brightleap's paws. It landed with a wet thunk on the rock.

"I'm sure they will." Brightleap flicked an ear and glanced at Sheerpaw, who was returning to shore, empty pawed. Her fur went hot as Sheerpaw realised she hadn't caught anything. It was still deep enough for a reasonably sized fish. She took a breath and slid under the water for the second time.

Addershade will not catch me now!

Her paws propelled her forwards, sending her down towards the lake bed. She could just make out the lithe shape of a fish. The silver backed fish was hiding in a tall frond of pondweed. Sheerpaw shot forward, her claws outstretched and jaws parted. Water rushed in to fill her mouth and she choked.

She coughed, and gasped, not realising she just inhaled water. Her chest burnt as she frailed. Frantically, she forgot about her catch and pushed herself upwards.
Fishguts! Now I won't catch anything!

Warrior Cats; The Fallen Wind #2Where stories live. Discover now