Chapter 20

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(Concept art for the next book) ^^

Stoneslip had a thousand foxlength stare, an eerily blank blue gaze hidden behind closed eyes.

Marshpaw had a head full of prophecies, hushed warnings and cats with too many mysteries, too many lies for him to count.

Both medicine cats sat in silence, the remains of a scrawny shrew between them alongside the heavy, unbreakable silence.

No StarClan cat stirred in the atmosphere of distrust and awkwardness, no passing remark of 'we need more of this' was murmured.

Marshpaw looked at their dwindling supplies with despair. Leafbare had truly fallen. Over the last few days, he'd seen Mottlepaw go hunting several times with Stormpaw or his mentor and return empty pawed.

He had also gone out to look for more herbs and had to walk further and further every day towards the RainClan border. Even Tall Trees looked miserable.

The weather didn't help either, the sun barely shon behind the permanent blanket of clouds that covered the sky. Marshpaw had taken to sleeping in the apprentice den, curled up with his littermates and Robinfeather's kits. It kept the cold at bay, and kept him out the medicine cat den and away from Stoneslips forlorn stares and hopelessness.

Marshpaw spent his days trotting back and forth between the medicine cat dem, the apprentice den and Harestar's den.

Harestar seemed to fuss over Brindleface at every opportunity he got, marching into the den with a cheery spark in his eyes and a mouthful of questions.

"When are the kits due?"

"How many will there be?"

"Is she okay?"

Where a few of the many questions the BreezeClan leader had. With every passing sunrise, he seemed to get more worried and more thrilled at the idea of being a father.

It was an unusual feeling for Marshpaw. He was glad that Brindleface's kits would know who their father was, but he was envious of them having that knowledge.

There was a polite mew and the apprentice turned his head; Harestar stood by the entrance to the den.

"I just came for some of that, the sweet smelling leaves." He explained, ducking his head and squeezing into the den. The toms pelt was well groomed, sleek and shiny.

"Chervil?" Marshpaw mewed, checking the little crack where they kept it.

Harestar nodded and sat down, looking around the den. He glanced at Stoneslip and meowed a greeting, only to be met with stony silence as the medicine cat curled up in her nest.

If Harestar cared, he didn't show it.

Marshpaw pushed the last wilting leaf towards him, apologies flickering in his eyes.
"I'll collect more tomorrow." He promised, mainly to himself as Harestar thanked him. "How is Brindleface?"

"She's great! A little tired, but she's feeling fine, just the stomache aches." He explained as he picked up the chervil. "Not long now!" He waved his tail and said goodbye before leaving the den to find his mate.

Marshpaw sighed with relief, he didn't need any more problems. A sick queen was the last thing BreezeClan wanted.

He heard Stoneslip get up. The shecat was pulling herself up from her nest and scowling, ears flat against her head. Marshpaw ignored her as she stalked across the den. Her pale pelt was almost glowing in the dim light.

The medicine cat was stood behind him, glaring at his back, but she said nothing until she moved forward again to sit by the entrance to the den.

Marshpaw turned his head, watching her carefully and closely. Her movements were stiff, un-calculated and clumsy. She seemed to be moons away, stuck in a dream.


Her tail twitched, she lowered her head.

"Those kits, they're supposed to be mine." The heartbreaking wail in her voice was barely a whisper, and it took all of Marshpaw's strength not to comfort his mentor.

She turned her head up to look at the sky.

"Mine." She repeated.

Marshpaw could only sigh.

StarClan, give me peace.

KC here, this is the end of the second book! The third will be out soon, and is called Betrayal of the Forest. Short chapter I know xx

Warrior Cats; The Fallen Wind #2Where stories live. Discover now