Part 16

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Paul takes me home. This weird dream carries on quite long.. He has an arm wrapped around my waste like he's making sure I won't fall.. He's a bit of a love-bird actually.. it's scary and weird.. I don't like it. Yet I like it..

I'm confused.. Not only because of myself or what happens.. but also because of Paul.. Paul does weird.. He cares too much..

What makes him caring so much? Is it the guilt.. I know he's guilty about something, yet I can't see what it is. I look at him and he looks at me. 

I look away. I feel down. I really feel down. I don't even feel like thinking right now. While my hobby is thinking. Thinking.. yep.. thinking...

"You okay John?" Paul asks with that kind caring worried voice.

"Yeah.." I lie. I'm amazed my throat doesn't start bleeding.

"Something is troubling you." Paul says, He looks in my eyes. He stares. 

I feel a huge headache.. My brain goes weird.. I feel like I'm slipping away.. I feel like I might hurt him.. hurt him more.. I .. I don't know!!! I DON'T KNOW!!!!!!!

Suddenly I start screaming and hitting anything around me.

Paul tries to calm me down. It works.. my outside panic stops.. inside.. the hell is loss.. I panic.. I'm panicking.. I'm stressing.. I'm flipping.. I'm fucking flipping again.. i'm..


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