Chapter 1 - Rewritten

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So here's the new and hopefully improved first chapter. Let me know your thoughts :)

(Wednesday - 20:50pm)

< 3rd POV >

In all honesty, (Y/n) didn't think she'd end up being in this position, alone and homeless, in Gotham of all places. Not that she was entirely worried. She could handle herself and she walked out on her parents at the end of the day. (Y/n) always wanted to be a hero, a complete opposite of what her parents wanted. They weren't nice, or good people. And so she took the chance to leave, packing some clothes and essentials before heading out into the dark streets of Gotham. Hands in her jeans pockets, she looked at the sky through the puddles that covered the dirty concrete of the alleyway she was in. It was a clear starry night making the streets clearer but the tall dark buildings that surrounded her made the alley looked like the most eerie and dangerous place a 15 year old should be. She didn't know where she was going to go but a dream of hers was to join the Young Justice Team. She just didn't know what she had to do to get into it.

Her thoughts were disrupted by something up ahead and in from the street she caught a glimpse of a body flying by the gap as more figures followed. She tilted her head in confusion before jogging over to the end and peering around the corner of the building on her right. To her surprise, she saw the Young Justice Team, the same people who had been in her thoughts just seconds ago and they were right here in front of her. She watched the scene play out, each hero taking on their own opponent, her eyes gleaming in admiration, a grin on her face. They were all there, Robin, Kid Flash, Artemis, Miss Martian, Superboy and Aqualad.

She watched each of their techniques with admiration before noticing one of Joker's men making its way to an oblivious Robin who was fighting said man. She focused her attention on him as dark clouds started to roll across the sky and a low rumble following after as the clouds starting flashing. Everyone ignored it, thinking it was a typical storm in Gotham but when she sent down a lightning bolt and it hit near her expected target who flew back from the small but powerful explosion when the lightning struck the ground, she failed to notice that she had been spotted by a pair of green eyes.

She continued to watch the fight until it ended when the police arrived and took the criminals to Gotham Prison. She watched as they struggled, failing to notice a certain speedster making his way to her hiding spot. It was only when she heard Robin ask him where he was going when she turned her head in their direction and see his striding form. The (Y/h/c) {blonde/ brunette/ etc} panicked, her eyes widening and sucking in a breath before turning around and speed walking down the alleyway, head down.

"Hey," he called but I continued to ignore him. She then felt a rush of wind and her hair flew all around her face before she walked into something, or someone. Due to this abrupt stop, she stumbled back about to fall when a pair of arms caught her. She opened her eyes which were shut and she was met with emerald green eyes and fluffy red hair. The boy grinned at her before helping her stand up again.

"Already falling for me I see," KF said with a smirk before leaning closer to me. "That was you with the lightning wasn't it?" My eyes widened at his closeness and I stepped back.

"Um... well... yes. Should I not have done it?" I asked shyly.

"What do you mean?! You helped Robin out!" He smiles before wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Come on now, let's go meet the others,"

Meet the others?

"Ya know, I think you'd make a good addition to the team," he said and my head snapped up to look at him.

"Really? You think so?" I asked as we came out of the alley as he chuckled at my reaction.

"There you are KF... who's this?" Aqualad questioned, keeping his eyes on the female next to him.

"Oh! She was the one who saved Robin with the lightning strike!"

"That was you?! Aww wow, thank you so much," Robin smirked, hands on his hips.

"What is your name?" Aqualad asked.

"O-oh, it's (Y/n),"

"Well (Y/n), how would like to potentially be a new recruit?" Aqualad smiled softly seeing the girls reaction, she definitely seemed suited for a job of hero work. He had also noticed her watching at some point and saw her face glow with admiration.

When the police were gone, everyone introduced themselves, apart from Robin of course and M'gann showed their potential new member her Bio ship.

Somehow, (Y/n) was one step closer to being a member of the team and a few steps closer to being a superhero.

Young Justice: Robin x Reader x Kid Flash (Currently rewriting) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now