Chapter 5 - Rewritten

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<1st POV>

'It's a shame Robin couldn't join us, would've been nice to have everyone here,' I said thought to myself as we walked in our group around the shopping mall/centre. We had just bought the paint and brushes which I insisted on carrying, despite how much Wally tried to convince me to let him take them. I definitely considered him the closest to me out of the whole team so far but after today, I was hoping to earn more trust from the rest of the team. We were currently making our way toward a clothing store that M'gann and Artemis had recommended to me for clothes which I was kind of excited for because back at home, I didn't  really get to choose what I wore much and even then, most of the time it would be a hospital gown that I would have to wear. I don't really remember why, I just remember always waking up in one, with a splitting headache to with it. I always tried to collect my thoughts after those times but my mind was always blank and it happened for years, every now and then, waking up with the same hospital gown and no recollection of what might have happened before it... apart from whatever daily activity I was doing before my blackouts. Everything else in between was non existent in my brain. My thoughts were interrupted by someone sharply clapping their hands near my ear, scaring the absolute shit out of me.

"Come on (Y/n), where did you go to?" Wally said smiling at me, I turned to see the others waiting at the entrance of a store, M'gann waving enthusiastically to me. Seems I had wandered off a bit.

"Oh, sorry about that. I was distracted by my thoughts," I smiled nervously as we both walked back to them.

"Is everything alright? You must've have been thinking about something pretty important if you didn't see that we had stopped?"

"Oh no, it's okay. Nothing to worry about," I said, ignoring the look that Wally was giving me, one that read, 'I don't believe you,' but he didn't question me any further about it as we approached the team. "Sorry guys, I was buried in my own thoughts a bit too much,"

"It's okay, you're feeling alright though aren't you?" M'gann asked taking my arm, looking at me worriedly as Artemis followed.

"Huh? Oh no, I'm fine, honestly. Now, you wouldn't mind helping me find out what would actually look decent on me would you?" I quickly changed the subject, as I looked at a pair of jeans.

"Oh yes! This is gonna be so much fun!" M'gann exclaimed excitedly before scanning the clothes for something that would look good on me. Artemis chuckled at her teammates colleagues before slinging an arm over my shoulder as we followed after her.

"You gotta keep an eye on her, she'll probably get lost otherwise," the taller female said. (A/n - I feel like Artemis would be the tallest female in the team, with M'gann and (Y/n) being only slightly shorter)

"I'll keep a mental note of that," I laughed when a large selection of clothes floated behind M'gann.

"I've found some clothes for you, (Y/n)!" She said throwing her arms toward the floating pile. I raised my eyebrows and laughed.


"Yeah, yeah, alright. Not really some but I think I've found a good few things that would suit you," she smiled, dragging Artemis and I to the fitting rooms. I glanced behind me to see the boys browsing in the male section, seeming to converse in light chatter.

— — —

After about 1 and a half hours of trying on clothes, we all found a decent amount for me, while M'gann and Artemis got some bits for themselves. We stood at the till as we bought our stuff, mocking the boys who were waiting begrudgingly just to the side looking fed up.

"You know you could've give somewhere you all liked, you didn't have to wait,"

"Yeah, but then we'd all get lost and I having a feeling someone would've got annoyed with us," Wally said, glancing at Artemis every now and then, she caught on easily and just glared, shaking her head.

Young Justice: Robin x Reader x Kid Flash (Currently rewriting) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now