Chapter 7 - Rewritten

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3 days?! She had been asleep for 3 days. Wow, that really took a toll on her, huh?! Not that she should be surprised, she knew that what she was doing was very reckless and stupid, but he was a tough guy. She didn't really know what else to in that situation when the robot had been swatting the team away like flies. She knew that was something she couldn't do all the time... but then not all Villains are as overpowering as Amazo and she won that fight on pure luck. She had no idea how it would go.

"You know, (Y/n) I don't think Batman is too pleased with the stunt you pulled," Robin said, as he sat in the sofa, arms folded, glaring at the (Y/h/c) haired girl through his sunglasses. The girl just looked down... starting to feel anxious about what might happen if he were to see her. She felt a comforting hand on her back and saw Meghan give her a small smile.

"You shouldn't feel bad though (Y/n), this is how you learn. I'll stand by your side whatever happens. Batman can't just kick you off the team like that,"

"I don't think that is your choice to make is it, Meghan," a deep, monotonous voice spoke, making (Y/n)'s chest tighten and Meghan blush in embarrassment. "(Y/n), come here now," he spoke sternly. With her head down, the girl walked to the corridor Batman was standing, feeling his scrutinising gaze follow her as she passed him. "The rest of you don't bother trying to listen in," he said before following the young female.


I dawdled slightly while Batman walked behind me, I wasn't entirely sure where we were going, we came to the Zeta tube area and I stopped. The Masked Man walked head, seeming to understand that I wasn't sure where we were going. He headed to another corridor which I knew lead to a meeting room.

'Oh dear,'

He opened the door to reveal a long table with about 12 seat around it, 3 were already occupied by my mentor, Black Lightening, Black Canary and Superman who all stopped talking as we entered the room. I avoided eye contact with all of them as Batman walked over to a seat and sat down, the others doing the same. I remained standing, not sure if I was allowed to sit down or not. I bit my lip anxiously, when Black Canary gained my attention.

"(Y/n), you're allowed to sit down," she smiled kindly, she could probably sense how worried I was. I nodded and bowing my head slightly, thanking her before sliding in to the seat, my hands in my lap as my eyes flickered to the four superheroes that sat in front of me.

"The four of us have spoken of the event that has recently occurred and are disappointed at the stupid and reckless act that you pulled, especially knowing that I had told you NOT to use your powers in public until you had completely understood what you can do and control it," Batman started, I didn't dare look at his face, I was surely going to get chucked out. I didn't say anything, knowing I probably deserved this.

"However," this time Superman spoke, "we also agreed that we were impressed with what you had done. Taking on a Villain as strong as Amazo is a difficult task, and the team could tell you had made a plan instead to of just running in like a maniac and ensured everyone was out and safe at first before proceeding with this plan of yours. You are very powerful (Y/n), which makes you a great asset to the team and that is also why we want you to stay. For one, we don't want you falling into the wrong hands. Not only that but the team were right, this was a mission you had to involve yourself in whether we liked it or not, who knows what could've happened if you weren't there, sure they've taken him out before but that was luck and timing on their part. We, ourselves have struggled with him, we'd still struggle now probably and we deeply admire you on your smart thinking," my head perked up upon hearing what Superman had to say, my face contorted in shock at the what I was being told.

"With that being said.... your spot on the team is guaranteed," the Dark Knight spoke again, and my mouth dropped slightly before I closed it. "But, you will continue to train with Black Lightening for the rest of the month and I will choose which missions you go on, is that understood?" I nodded my enthusiastically.

Young Justice: Robin x Reader x Kid Flash (Currently rewriting) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now