Chapter 2 - Rewritten

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(Y/n) sat quietly in the ship as they were headed back to Mount Justice, that's what they called it. She made sure not to touch anything in fear of setting a bad impression. During her moment of accompanied solitude, most of the team had been glancing at her and keeping tabs on her. Artemis watched her shy, quiet movements before speaking up.

"So, ahem.... (Y/n) what exactly are your powers and why were you on your own down a dark alley of Gotham?"

The (Y/h/c) looked up, startled that she was being spoken to. She looked at the bow and arrow harnessing girl to her right and cleared her throat.

"Oh well, I have the ability to control lightning and summon storms... I don't know much about it and I know I lack control over it. That's why I didn't make a flashy entrance... or one at all because I didn't want to risk injuring any of you... say, if I wanted to join the team, do I need to already have control of my powers?"

"Not at all," Robin spoke up. "That's part of becoming a hero, you'll be mentored by someone who has similar powers to you. From the sounds of it, you'll be mentored by Black Lightning," the girl nodded satisfied and relieved with that answer.

"And for your other question Artemis...," (Y/n) hesitated a moment, debating whether it was a good idea to tell them that her parents were bad people. She decided it was better to be honest with them then lie and so she continued. "I was running away from my parents... they're not good people and they expected the same from me... primarily because of my powers, it would be 'more exciting' in their words, but I didn't want that, especially after...," she hesitated, this was a personal part of her life. She had a younger twin (brother/sister) and when they were 2, her family got caught in a villain vs hero fight. It didn't end well for her parents, they lost a child that day. Due to their irrational behaviour that (Y/n) soon found out they had later in life, she understood why they hated heroes. In their eyes, the hero didn't do their job properly and people died and from that day, they hated superheroes. But (Y/n) had a level head and knew her siblings death was an accident and no one was to blame apart from the villain who was more or less looking for trouble.

"If it's personal you don't have to tell us," Aqualad assures her, noticing her long pause. "We've all got our reasons for being a hero but we don't need to tell each other them straight away. Give it time and tell when you want to and when you're ready," he said giving her a small smile. She nodded, feeling less self pressured.

"Alright, we're finally here!" KF said excitedly and they began to descend near a cave entrance.  "Dibs to showing the newbie around!" He exclaimed, giving (Y/n) a wink, making her eyes widen at his flirting attempts.

"She isn't in the team yet Wally, don't get her hopes up," Robin glared at him while Artemis facepalmed.

"Oh she will, I know she will!" Wally said confidently, the girl felt her heart swell knowing that someone had faith in her.


Once they'd left the Bioship, they came across the Zetatubes, walking past them into a living room and kitchen where two Justice League heroes were waiting for them. Batman and The Flash.

"Good jobs guys, that's your missions done for the day, you can go rest now," Batman spoke monotonously.

"Great jobs kids!" The Flash congratulated them.

(Y/n) stood quietly at the back before someone put a hand on her back and gently pushed her forward so that she was at the front and in their view. "We found a potential recruit, Batman. She helped Robin out when you be of Jokers men attempted to sneak up on him," Aqualad said in his calm voice. The brooding man in the cape was quiet, just staring at the clearly intimidated girl who was tightly gripping her fingers.

"What are your powers?"

And for the second time that day, she explained her powers, also including her parents. Batman listened carefully to what she said while the team and The Flash watched and waited. When the girl had finished, Batman thought before speaking up.

"I will allow you to join the team... however, for the next month, you will not join on missions until you have learnt how to control your power and we have more understanding of what you can do. I will let the League know of you and fill Black Lightning and Black Canary in,"


< Miss Martian's POV + telepathy >

Superboy: You guys think she's trustworthy?

Aqualad: She's answered every question honestly. I have a feeling we can trust her.

Kid Flash: She doesn't look like the evil type...

Robin: Looks can be deceiving Wally but if anyone can determine how trustworthy someone is, it's Batman.

Robin had a point, the girl seemed nice and friendly but she could be deceiving us. Then again when I look into her eyes, the only thing they hold is hope, especially now when I see them talking, she's nervous but she's hopeful she's cut out for being a member. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Batman confirm she could, apparently he could trust her and if that was the case, I trust his judgement. I know Robin would and he's smart for a 13 year old and said boy quickly introduced himself properly before having a quick chat with Batman. (Y/n) looked at us with a happy but shy smile as if to say 'I'm worthy enough to join your team, do you accept me too,' I smiled as to reassure her and flew to where she was standing.

<3rd POV>

"Welcome to the team, (Y/n)! I'm Miss Martian but when we're here please call me M'gann," the green girl said as she gave (Y/n) a small hug which she slowly returned.

"Yeah, congrats! I knew you would. Soooo, looks like I will be showing you around then," Wally winked. "My hero name's Kid Flash but when we're chilling back here, it's Wally to you!" The (Y/h/c) blushed as he removed his mask to see his face properly. He was a very attractive young man but he was also very flirtatious. Her staring was distracted by someone who was clearing their throat and she moved her head to see Aqualad. He held his hand out and she took it, shaking hands.

"My name is Aqualad, I'm the leader of the team. You can call me Kal. Nice to have a new member," he smiled, his piercing blue bore into her (Y/e/c). Very professional and calm, but she could tell he was a powerful individual and she didn't want to get on his bad side.

"I'm Superboy, or Connor," the Superman looking boy said from the sofa as he flicked through channels. They looked exactly the same.

"Name's Artemis, hero and non hero," the girl smirked as she looked through the fridge.

"And finally, I'm Robin," she heard his voice from behind her, she turned to look at him. He had taken his mask off and had put some sunglasses on, making the new member raise an eyebrow in confusion. They were in a cave. "My real identity is private and I won't be telling you," that made more sense, he's very much like Batman.

As the team went off to their rooms to get showered and changed, The Flash waited with her having a conversation until (Y/n)'s Mount Justice tour guide was ready.

Young Justice: Robin x Reader x Kid Flash (Currently rewriting) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now