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Gerard's P.O.V
I was talking with my boyfriend, Frank, when two girls walked up. Lindsey and Jamia. The two girls who are bound on dating us...
"Hey, Gee!"
"Hi, Frankie!" We looked at them bored and I raised an eyebrow.
"Yes? What do you want?" They grinned at us and giggled. I rolled my eyes.
"We want to talk, silly!" Lindsey bit her lip and grabbed my arm. I scowled and took my arm away. She frowned as Jamia grabbed Frank's arm. He did the same as me. Jamia sighed and backed away a bit.
"Why do you two not like us? Are you gay or something?" Frank's eyes widened and he looked down, blushing. Lindsey and Jamia noticed.
"You are?! Frank Iero! Of all people, you're gay!" Jamia gaped at him.
"Well, at least I still get you, Gee." Lindsey smiled at me. I scoffed.
"Don't call me Gee, and no you don't get me. I'm gay too. Me and Frank are dating actually." His head shot up at that and he smirked. He hugged me and when he pulled away, Jamia and Lindsey were gone.
"Hey, they're going to spread that... Shit." I looked at him worried.
"It's fine Gee. We're just off limits now!" I laughed and pecked his cheek.
"Yeah, I guess we are."

I'm updating this way to much, but it's fine. I have lots of pictures and ideas. Okie dokie, bye!

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