Hospital for Souls

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Today was the day that Oli and the band was filming the music video for Hospital for Souls . To you Bring Me The Horizon was a great band. Over the years they have become so successful.

Oliver never thought that he would get this far but you always had hope that he would make it and so he did!

As you finished getting ready, you fixed your shirt, Oliver came behind you wrapping his long tattooed arms around your waist. He grinned looking into the mirror " I have such a beautiful girlfriend.." He kissed your neck slightly causing a shiver to go down your spine.

You wiggled your self away from him and finished getting ready " you sir have a music video to film with your band " you say kissing his nose, trying to hide the fact that there was a blush on your face.

Oliver laughed softly " I know that!" He smiled taking your hand and intertwined your fingers with his," I was just trying to make you blush and it worked " he grinned but that slowly disappeared when you hit his arm.

" I'll get you back for that Sykes!" You say running out the door. "Oh miss Sykes you know I would love that" Oli laughed running after you.
You slid into the car and was trying to put the keys into the ignition but Oli hopped right in . Jokingly you gave a huge sigh but then smiled grabbing his chin, kissing him, Oliver for sure kissed you back. He pulled away and smiled at you.

Oliver's Prov :

I pulled away from Y/N's soft lips, I loved how they tasted it was like vanilla..Ah I couldn't stop thinking about her but I was snapped out of my trance when I noticed we where some how already at the studio.

The band and I are going to film Hospital for Souls it is also one of Y/N favorite songs, so her being her to see the song get recorded is great. Though for once I was actually really nervous, even though I never am. See what Y/N does to me? Hopefully when recording the knot in my stomach will go away.
Now it is time to record!

Normal Prov
You where a bit bored, you where never the type of person to sit and watch things be create, you where the creator. You wanted something to do and you had an idea.

Going up to Oli just as he was about to record
You hesitantly grabbed his hand, softly you said " hey Oli .. " Oliver squeezed your hand just a bit and turned back looking at you " yes love?" His smile always got to you and oh those eyes, just everything about him made you smile.
" Can I film the music video for you.." You asked a softly looking at the ground.
Oliver grabbed your chin pecking your lips. " Of course love, I was planning on asking you anyway!" He grinned.
• Le Time Skip •
You where now ready to record, everyone was ready and Oli just wouldn't stop looking at you.
You gave him a smile and as the director said action, Oli started to sing into the mic, mouthing the lyrics. You circled around him and the rest of the band giving a thumbs up to them all.
Jordan gave you thumbs up as you filmed. He didn't care if that part got into the music video or not, he liked the fact that you where smiling and having fun.

Oliver sang, reaching his hand out to the camera he banged his head, he whispering slightly

"Everyone wants to go to heaven
but nobody wants to die
I can't fear death no longer
I died a thousands times "

" Why explore the universe
When we don't know ourselves?
There's an emptiness inside our heads
That no one dares to dwell..."

He then screams


After a few more tries and recording a few more scenes the music video was finally done.

Oliver right away hugged you tightly, spinning you, kissing your lips hard. You of course kissed back with a giggle. Just a little action from another man sent him over the ruff.
" What did you think of it? " he asked you
" I love the song even more " you said smiling.
Oli smiled pecking your lips

" Now it is time to record some more videos! Hmmm like Sleepwalking!!" you cheered

Oliver slowly shook his head " not today! We need to rest." You then started to pull Oliver along " then let's go!!"
And for the rest of the night you and Oli cuddled.

A/N :  just wanted to say thank you for reading! Have a good day (:

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