Chapter 2

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It was a little over a year since naruto left the village with jiraiya. And everything was normal, well.. Not everything..

"what's wrong with kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked as she glanced over at him.

"how should I know," sasuke rudely replied.

"he looks...depressed.." sakura said getting up.

"where are you going?" sasuke asked, looking up at her.

"I'm going to see if he's alright" she said walking over to the shinobi.

One her way over she kinda regretted it. She wasn't scared of kakashi, but there were times where she wanted to keeovher distances. But she ignored her gut feeling and walked up to him

"k-kakashi sensei? Are you alright?" she said sitting down beside him.

"I'm fine..why...why do you ask?" He said confusingly, looking up at her

"well. You're not even reading icha icha paradise. You're just sitting here starring at the ground. Also you've been looking extremely depressed, and it's getting worse almost everyday."

kakashi looked back at the ground. "you're right. But I don't know what's wrong. I just... Don't feel well"

"it's more then just 'don't feel well' you've been acting like this for months now.." kakashi nodded slowly "please get help, we're worried about you kakashi-sensei"

"I'll think about it" kakashi said. Really only because that was the only way Sakura would leave.

"well kakashi if you ever need us were her-" "Sakura if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone." she looked sadly at him, but complied.

"alright sensei.. Feel better soon" with that she got up and walked back to sasuke. Kakashi looked up to see them getting up and walk away, "we're going now sensei! See ya!" sakura said waving. Kakashi just starred at her.

When they were gone, kakashi stayed there, looking at the ground until he noticed it was raining. He looked up and also noticed that it was dusk. He slowly got up and decided to go home.

He was walking down the road with his hands in his pokects, looking up at the stars. 'why can't I get him out of my head? Am I worried? Am I happy? Well..obviously not.. Sakura's right..I'm extremely depressed.' kakashi was thinking to himself when he heard a voice.

It was a girls voice, two girls to be exact. They walked down the road and passed kakashi. As the were passing him, he caught the last couple words of their conversation

"I hope that kids alright..."

"yeah.. Especially with the childhood he had. Naruto doesn't deserve that"

Kakashi stopped dead in his tracks. "n-naruto?!" he ran up to the girls, "did you say naruto?!" kakashi asked quickly.

The girls nodded, "yes, but you might want to ask lady tsunade about it. We're not good at breaking hearts.." with that the girls walked away, and kakashi bolted to tsunades office.


"TSUNADE!" kakashi yelled bursting in the door. "WHERE'S NARUTO?! IS HE ALRIGHT?!" kakashi ran up and slammed his hands and her desk, cracking it. Taunade stayed calm, actually she didn't move a muscle when kakashi bursting in.

She calmly looked up and said, "no. Naruto got attacked by rouge ninjas. They put a jutsu on him where he's unable to move. They took him away from jiraiya and tortured him."

Kakashi just stood there. Silent. " find him yet?" he managed to say, trying not to break her desk.

Kakashi saw a tear run down tsunanades face. "yes.. We found him.. But jiraiya was killed trying to save him.."

Kakashi cursed to himself. "where is he now?" he said walking towards the door,

"room, 53 on the 3 floor of the hospital..please be gentle around him, kakashi." kakashi didn't reply, he just left and slammed the door shut.


There's chapter 2!! Please comment, vote, rate, and follow:3

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