chapter three

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Jay decided to take it upon himself to speak to her. If he wanted to, he could be quite a convincing young man. With the will of a his quiet, almost seductive voice, he could succumb woman to give into his wishes. "Ma’am" Jay summoned, waving her over. Anne had a large platter of drinks in her hand. She set it down for the men sitting in a booth, and trotted over to Jay. “I hope I’m not out of line asking this- but are you free tonight?” Jay surprised himself, being so forward. Anne held a flutter of excited anticipation in her chest. She didn't want to seem too excited, but she had been waiting for this man to ask her out for the past week or so. “Oh, yes, I am. I’ll be off in a half hour, is that okay? I’m Anne by the way” Anne laughed nervously, extending her arm. James smiled, but his eyes remained somewhat troubled. He obliged, shaking her small hand with his cold one “My pleasure. I am Jay.” “Hello Jay. I-I have to get back to work- uhm, meet me in the back?” Jay nodded, smiling “Sounds good.”

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