chapter 4

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It was rather a quick and awkward exchange, but both of their intentions were clear. Jay wanted to fuck a beautiful woman, and Anne wanted to make love to a mysterious man. Forty five minutes later, James leaned up against a wall, smoking. It was cold outside, and all he had was a brown leather jacket. He was a tall, thin man who had been traveling on foot for about a month. Often he would prey upon whores or desperate and bored woman, and practically kill them after filling his desires. He was a lost man, who was more focused on hurting others than healing himself. His hair was black and somewhat unruly, and he had cold grey eyes that held so much pain people couldn't look him in the eye. He blew a plume of smoke into the air and sighed heavily, wondering where Anne was. As if summoned by his thought, she came rushing out of the back door, wearing a thick wool sweater.
"I'm so sorry! John made me wash the-"
"It's alright. My place or yours?" "Oh, um, yours I guess" Anne smiled, nervously running a hand through her long curly black hair. Jay drove in his beat up truck he had rented a few days ago. He had mostly been traveling on foot, so a car was a blessing. It smelled like horrid air fresheners, but Anne didn't mind.

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