The Rebellion

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The Red Sun Empire, a corrupted government ruling over the solar system with no care and no mercy for its people...In a desperate attempt to ensure the Empires survival a serum was created to enhance the mind and body of a person, this serum was called Pothies...

Waking up, not knowing who he was or where he is, sweat pouring down his face, voices all around him.

"He's awake quickly stabilize him!" Kaine felt a sharp pain in his arm, but when he tried to move, his arms and legs made no response. He sputtered

"What are you doing to me?" Again his body made no response. Suddenly his eyelids felt heavy, he couldn't stay awake, sleep overtook him.
With a sudden jolt, Kaine stood up, he was in a bed with fresh new clothes, a symbol was on the sleeve of his left arm, the symbol looked so familiar but he couldn't remember. Now panicking, Kaine realized he couldn't remember anything.

"Hello, Kaine." A tall slender woman appeared behind him, turning around with with unusual calmness Kaine replied,
"Who are you and how do you know who I am?"

" Oh we've known you for a long time, even before you did. And don't worry your memories will soon return." She then turned around and walked out muttering low enough to where Kaine could not hear

"Most of them." After the strange woman left, Kaine laid on his bed now trying to remember anything. Not knowing how much time had past Kaine was again startled by the opening of his door. There stood a bulky man, bald but with a lumberjack beard.
"Welcome to the Red Sun Academy recruit! You will meet in the training room at 0600 hours. Take a left, right, left, down and you will find your destination, and don't be late!"

"Can I have a watch?" Kaine asked.
"You dare talk back to me soldier!" The infuriated man replied.
"Yes, I guess I am." Kaine said, rage building up in him.
"You piece of slimy filth, lets see where that mouth gets you tonight. Oh, and to answer your question, THERE IS A CLOCK TO YOUR RIGHT!" The man stormed out, his head hot red with fury.
"Probably best to stay on his good side next time." Kaine said out loud...

Kaine was late.
"Oh I see you decided to be late. DO IT AGAIN AND YOU WILL CLEAN THIS ENTIRE SHIP WITH NOTHING BUT YOUR HANDS AND A BUCKET OF WATER! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR, RECRUIT!" The enraged man was standing in front of a line boys, all Kaine's age, and one girl. The man then turned around to line of recruits and shouted
"This applies to all of you, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!"
"Yes sir!" They replied in unison. Then he turned back to Kaine.
" you will refer to me as Commander Garson do not disobey me, the only thing you say to me is yes sir unless I ask otherwise, do not fall behind or you will get left behind follow orders quickly and correctly I do not accept mistakes. Get in line soldier." Kaine said yes sir and walked into line.
"Welcome to the Red Sun Academy recruits, you are aboard the RSE Reaper, every day you will wake up, take care of any personal business, and report here at 0600 hours, you will then be directed throughout the day of where to go and what to do. "AM I CLEAR!" He shouted.
"YES SIR!" They replied.

After the day was over, Kaine tried to sleep but to no avail. He was so confused and had so many questions. Sleep finally overtook him, but only what felt like minutes of rest Kaine woke up, memories filled his mind he felt like he had remembered everything, including friends and family, except that something had taken them, but what had taken he could not remember. He remembered what the symbol was, it's the symbol of the Red Sun.

The next few weeks were a blur for Kaine. Wake up, train, eat breakfast, train, eat lunch, train, practice drills, train, eat dinner, go to sleep and repeat the next day. Kaine's argument with Garson had not been forgotten though, while other groups got their sleep, Garson would wake his up and train them until someone actually passed out, then the group could sleep. Nobody in Kaine's group forgave him except for the girl who never spoke to him, probably because she had a different cabin.

Tuesday was going normally for Kaine, until after lunch. He was going to the lavatory when found five guys from Kaine's group were waiting for him, all of them grinning.
"Hey Kaine we were just talking 'bout you, ya know me right your ol buddy Jed. Ya know we really didn't appreciate that crap you gave us, ya know your little fight with ol' Gar kinda hurt us, ya know we thought we might return the favour, ya know." Jed said this while his little gang surrounded Kaine. Jed walked towards Kaine, shoving him hard enough to knock Kaine to the ground. Grabbing him by the shirt, Jed raised his fist while sneering
"This will teach you a lesson so next time you will stay in place." But before Jed threw the punch Kaine blacked out. Kaine was surrounded by darkness, engulfed by the strangest feeling ever, like he wasn't inside his own body. He saw a light flicker, and then it grew and grew. He was back into reality, but something was wrong, Kaine stood there panting, fist raised, one had a little blood on it. He then remembered what had happened before the blackout, and realized he was surrounded by Jed's gang but they were all on the floor unconscious, moaning, or crying. Jed seemed to have the worst injuries while he sat unconscious, propped against the wall. With what looked like a broken wrist, his left cheek swelling and purple, and above his right eyebrow was a bleeding cut streaking down his face. Did, did I do this, Kaine thought. I couldn't have I was knocked out. Kaine was suddenly thrown to the ground by two guards and then picked once he was fully restrained. "Take him to the detention level. NOW!" Commander Garson barked these orders with what seemed like a happy face.

Kaine sat in a room with only one light that was shining on him.
"Do you have any idea what you have done?" It was the woman that Kaine had met two weeks before.
"I didn't do it I keep telling you, I blacked out and woke up to everyone on the ground that's all I know I swear." Kaine replied with a pleading tone. With a sudden shocked expression on her face she asked
"You said you blacked out?"
"Before or after Jed tried punching you?"
After that the woman stood up, said you are forgiven, and left. Kaine did not want to spend another day here, after the door shut Kaine waited a minute then left, following the direction the woman had gone. He found her talking to a doctor, he hid behind the wall listening.
"I thought you said he was a failed test subject." She snapped at him aggressively.
"Look my results were all negative there is no way pothies went active, he probably just wanted to stay out of trouble. You said he took down 6, remarkable, keep an eye on this one will ya Sherry?" The doctor was followed by a smack after his remark.
"You do not give orders Doctor, and second don't ever call me Sherry!" Sherry then walked away and the doctor went into his cabin. Kaine sneaked back into his cabin careful not to wake anyone. Kaine was deep In thought that night. He didn't know much about anything right but he knew one thing-He was not staying for long.

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