Chapter 2

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Kaine woke up the next day with a small plan beginning to form in his head. He was gonna use one of his three "sick" days to work on his plan more when all of the sudden the door next to him opened and closed with a hand pulling him inside. It was one of the janitors room. A whispered voice broke out
"Don't freak out and don't get any ideas either okay." Confused Kaine replied
"What?" He was followed by a smack after his remark.
"Quiet you'll get us in trouble!" Now concerned he asked
"Who are you and why did you pull me into the janitors room?"
"My name is Petra. If you want to know more than you will have to sit by me during lunch, and don't even think about telling anyone. Okay. Now I'm gonna leave first, you wait 5 minutes then leave, got it."
Petra then opened the door and ran out.
"I don't like this." Kaine muttered to himself.

When lunch came around Kaine searched for her and found her at the corner of the lunch room. When she noticed him she waved her hand motioning him to come towards her. When Kaine finally sat down he asked
"Okay what do you want?"
She replied
"Same as you, I want to get out."
Bringing his voice almost to a whisper, he asked again
"Then why didn't you leave before?"
"Because I have created the perfect plan to escape, but it requires two people."
"Then why choose me?"
Groaning from annoyance Petra replied
"First, your one of the newest students we've had in a while. Second you were able to beat 5 of Garson's top students without getting a scratch, and then getting away with it. Third, your the first person ever to pick a fight with Jed. Fourth you talked back to Garson and showed up late only to talk back to him again. So because of this, I had a feeling that you didn't like it here."
"Is it that obvious?" Kaine said with a smirk.
"Okay now listen very closely or else you will drew up this whole operation and we will be stuck here, okay?"
"You sure do say okay alot."
With a sarcastic smile and a laugh, Petra then replied
"Ya know Carson is right about one thing, you have a big mouth that will get you into trouble."

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