Chapter 3

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Kaine couldn't sleep that night or the next 8 nights either. Not only was he worried about Petra even though they spent most of the days together, he was still contemplating whether or not he should trust her, he also had another memory rushes too throughout that week.

Glimpses of his past flashed before his eyes. Memories of his own that he didn't remember...

"Today is gonna be a fun day, FOR ME!!!, hehehe...ahem, as I was saying today will be fun for both you and me. You all will have flight training for the rest of the day. Your instructor will be LT. Dijon? D'jon, Dojon?" Garson refocused back on topic
"...Any way, he will meet you all here at 0800 hours. Me I get to have the rest of the day off. FALLOUT!"

Kaine, among many other recruits, was actually excited for this lesson in this miserable ship. Kaine went to go change into his uniform when suddenly a hand reached out of a student's dorm and pulled him in, he bandaged his head while doingso.
"Hey, you ready?" Petra said with an almost sinister voice.
Running his head, Kaine replied "OW, ready for what?"
With an enthusiastic tone she answered
"For the almost perfect escape."
"We're doing that today? But we have barely even planned it out yet, at least I haven't...whos room is this, and why do you always want to meet like this."

"Would you relax, it's my room by the way, I'll fill you in on the details when stage one is complete."
"Why do you get your room-?" Kaine was cutoff
"Would you shut up your getting off topic, okay Lt. Dijon, or D'jon will be here at 0800 and Carson has already counted us as being here, which means the time to act is now."
"Alright, let's do this."

Kaine quickly ate breakfast later that morning, adrenaline boiling, because it was student free time, and it was too much of a risk to try and slip away, Kaine and Petra had to wait until the Lieutenant arrived. Kaine looked at his clock. 7:58. He should be arriving any minute.

At 8:01 The Lieutenant walked into the class room full of lined up student's. Petra wasn't there just as planned, she had used her sick day and told Garson now it was up to Kaine to use his with Lt. Dijon.
"Sorry for being late class, are we ready to begin?hmm" He said with both a tired and yet excited tone.
"Yes sir!" They replied. The class was then instructed to proceed to the hangar where further instructions would await. As everyone filed out of the large room, Kaine remained and caught Dijon right as he was leaving with the class.
"Permission to speak sir!?" Kaine said.
"Granted, now what is it?" Dijon asked with annoyance.
"If I may i'm not fee-" Kaine hurried to the nearest waste backed, bumping Dijon, and puked up remains of a once delicious egg burrito.
"Ugh! Wretched, filthy, the human body discusses me. Ew! Go see the medical room, take a sick day, just take that bucket with you though and go. Uuugh." Dijon held a handkerchief to his face gagging.
All part of the plan. A smile krept out of Kaine's mouth. As he walked triumphtly down the corridor, bucket in hand.
"Where did you get that pill?" Kaine met Petra just outside his dormitory
"Took it from the infirmary, it's used to help people flush out anything bad they consumed. Works great if your trying fake a stomach bug."
"Got a mint or something?" Kaine said while gagging at the smell of his own bteath.
"Are you ready?" She replied
"Sure, let's do this"...
Kaine followed Petra down the seemingly never-ending labyrinth that was the ship. What felt like an hour of left and right turns was apparently 18 minutes.
Looking down at her watch Petra said
"Alright we got about... mmm, 12 minutes before they know we're gone. We need to move faster."
What started out as jog and duck movements, became a full out Sprint, only stopping when they heard someone.
Kaine followed Petra to a hallway where at the end stood two large steel doors blocking the room concealed behind. "WEAPONS VAULT" it read
Kaine stood watch while Petra pulled out a disc with four arms and a red button on too, and placed it on the door.
"Where did you get that?" He asked I'm a whisper
"Too long of a story" she answered.
Ten seconds after Petra placed and activated the device, the large metallic doors gaped open.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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