Started a new book!

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Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know I started a new original story. If you'd like to go read it it's on my page thingy. I'm not sure how to get it "out there". You know what I'm saying? Like this one, people search Gravity Falls and they find this one. The one I just started though is an original, so I don't know how people will find it. In sorry if I seem really pushy about this, it's just I don't know how this book got so many reads, and how hardly anyone's even noticed the other one. I mean really guys that one is a LOT better than this crap. I just wanted to tell you guys that it's there to read if you'd like.

I'm also going to say that in working on the final or almost final part of this book, so it should be done soon. That's all for now!

The First Date (Gravity Falls Reverse Falls){FINISHED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE}Where stories live. Discover now