Chapter 3

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Aaron's Pov
I woke up next to Cody, in my wolf form. I look at Cody, he seems to have just woke up. I stand up next to the bed and help him up. I refuse to let him walk, so I force him to get on my back and let me carry him. I carry him into the kitchen, where everyone was sitting. They gave us weird looks, but I kept my head high. I bring Cody to the table and allow him to sit. Then sit on the floor next to Cody. "Why is there so much noise in the bunker?" Cody asked. "Optimus is coming to Visit with Bumblebee, and you know how blades is." Dani said. Wait... in Optimus Prime. I wag my tail at high speed. Finally I can see him again! I look at Cody and lay my head on his lap as he eats. "Cody, I think your mutt is hungry." Kade says, I growl at him. Cody looks at me and gave me a piece of meat, I eat it slowly, because I don't want to seem like a hog. When Cody's done instead of Chief taking his plate, I stand up on my hind legs, take the plate and put it in the sink. I walk back over to Cody and help him on my back again. "Thanks." I hear Cody say to me. I bring Cody to the bunker, where the bots was cleaning up. "Cody is that what humans did in the older days?" The blue bot asked. "No Chase but this wolf is very protective and helpful." He said petting my head. I then hear a sound of a truck and car coming this way. I warned the others by barking like crazy. We walked outside to greet Optimus and Bumblebee. I stand there, tail wagging at high speed, I was happy that I can see Optimus. They pull up the drive and transform. "It's good to see you all again." Optimus said. Bumblebee just stood next to Optimus. Optimus walked up to me and Cody and stares at us. "It seems my little friend here is a little overprotective I see." I stop wagging and bow my head. "What do you mean Optimus? An't that a normal animal?" Kade said. "Ah I see you only seen him in this form. Would you like to show them my friend?" Optimus said looking at me. I think for a bit then slowly nod. 'It's better to show them now then later.' I went into the bunker, with the other following. Optimus came up and got Cody from me, so I can switch forms. When I finish switching forms, luckily I learned to switch with clothes on. I stand up while everyone looks at me. "That explains why you knew about werewolves." Cody said shocked. I smile from under my hood. "Yep." I said popping the p. "But I thought you said werewolf weren't real, Graham?" Said Blades. I clicked my tongue, obviously annoyed. "That's the fun part, because no one expects a thing." I said chuckling a little. "Wait a minute, you're the missing child from the mainland!" Said Dani. This is really starting to get annoying. "I'm not missing, I just simply left." I said annoyed. "But why come to Griffon Rock?" Said Heatwave. "I followed instinct and Optimus told me about this place, so I came to Griffon Rock." I said, keeping my hood over my eyes. "Why do you wear a hood all the time?" Blades asked. I stared at the floor, with tears in my eyes, but I was able to blink them away. "It's because of my eyes and this cloak is the last thing my family gave to me before...." I stopped mid sentence. I slowly pull my hood down revealing my mismatch eyes. They looked at me with a face of confusion. "I got my red eye from my father, who was also a werewolf and the blue one from my dear sweet mother."(if you recognize what game this comes from say who said this in the comments) I said staring at them. When they was going to say something my phone started to ring. I walk out of the room and answer the phone. "Hello?" "Yes is this Aaron Bloodfang?" "Yes and you are?" "Yes I work at the Jasper, Nevada police department and we would like to inform you that you need to return to the mainland immediately." "I'm not coming back." "But you need to come home to your family." "Them monsters are not my family! And you can go tell them to go die in hell!" (Excuse my language in sorry if you don't like this.) I said hanging up. "Aaron Vincent Bloodfang watch your language!" I hear Optimus say. "Sorry." I mumble, while walking into the room. My anger keeps getting worse and worse, probably because the full moon is coming. Wait what day is it? "Um what day is it?" I ask Cody. "Um Saturday." What the full moon is today! "Oh no the full moons tonight. I better get going! Bunch of thing to prepare for tonight! See ya!" I said, running out the door. Time to prepare!

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