Chapter 2

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Aaron Pov
Okay first day of my new life. Yes I enrolled myself in school, so I have to get ready. I got up, showered, brush my teeth and hair, made breakfast and walked to school. I was unfamiliar with the roads, but I remember how to get to the school house. When I get to school, they gave me my schedule and showed me to my first class. I knocked on the door and entered, all eyes on me. 'Now I'm glad my hoods up.' I thought. "You must be the new kid." The teacher said as she lead me in. "Go ahead introduce yourself." The teacher lead me to the front. "Aaron Bloodfang." I said in a whisper mumble tone. "Can you tell us about yourself?" The teacher asked. "I have nothing to tell." I growled at her. She looked at me, shocked. "I see, you can sit next to Cody, Cody raise your hand." A hand raised in the air, it belonged to a blond hair boy. I went and sat down next to him. I wasn't paying attention because I knew all this stuff. During lunch, I sat alone, but Cody and a familiar girl sat with me. "So your new to Griffon Rock?" The girl asked. "Yep" "Where you from?" "Main land." "Hey me and Cody are working on a project, wanna join you might get some credit in class?" She asked. I could use some credit in class, and I might make some real friends. "Sure. What is it on?" "Well it manly like mythical, but it's history on the mythical werewolves." She said excited, making me gulp in fear. They can't know. "We can work on it after school? At My house?" Cody said. "Sure meet you outside school." I said emotionlessly. After school Frankie and Cody met me like I said. They were waiting by a ...police car? "There you are Aaron!" Frankie said, while pulling me into the car. "Did your parents say you can come over?" Cody said. What do I say, I can't say I don't have parents! "They said yes." I lied. With that we left for Cody's house. I stared out the window and dozed off. Then I feel shaking. I look up to see Frankie. "Come on we're here." She said pulling me out of the car. We walked past a few rescue vehicles. I'm guessing that Cody's family is the rescue team. They all have that symbol. "So how about we get working on the project?" Cody said walking to the edge of the bunker. I look at what they have, most of it an't right! "Guys werewolves don't only change at the full moon, they change when they need to. And they also don't stay in the woods, they blend with regular people." I said showing them. "How do you know so much about werewolves?" Frankie asked. I feel like I'm digging my grave deeper then it already is. "I studied this topic a lot." I said hoping they will believe me, and they did. I felt eyes on me, I turn and see nothing but the vehicles. I got a idea and smirked. "Those are quite the vehicles you got here." I said walking over to the vehicles. I was going to say something else, but my phone started ringing. "Hello?" "Hello Aaron how are you today?" It was Optimus. "I'm fine, how are you?" "I am fine as well, how is Griffon Rock?" "Oh it's a nice place and I met many nice people. Though..." I paused and walked into another room away from the others. "I found this place a little weird." I said. "Aaron where are you?" I hear Cody yell. "Coming, talk to ya later Optimus." "You as well, stay safe." He said as I hung up and walked into the room. "Sorry had a phone call." I said looking over the project. "Now this looks better." "We need a picture of a wolf to complete it." Frankie said. "Leave that to me. I need to help out a little." I said. "Anyways. I'm gonna go home see ya." I went outside and walked home. Half way home, I heard something big move on the hiking trail. I ran and when I get there I see ... Cody, his foot trapped under a tree. I smelt the air, something coming, I looked over to see a boulder going straight for ....Cody! I transformed and ran in front of him. I ran for the boulder and push my front paws against the rock and pushed it, we dragged closer and closer to Cody until it stopped. I backed up and ran at it head first and break the rock into pieces. I ran back to Cody to see if he's okay. I moved the tree off his foot, and slowly lift it on my back to keep it levitated. I comfort him the best I can. I lay my head on his lap, as we wait for someone to help him. Cody dozed off as I stayed guard, I hear sirens and a helicopter. I nuzzle Cody's hand, making him wake up. The fire truck transforms into a bot. I knew it. It moves to the fallen tree and moves it out of the way a little more then I did. Cody's father got out of his car and ran to us. He slowly helps Cody to his feet, well foot. I walk next to him, so he can have some support. Chief Burns puts Cody in the police car and opens the door, so I'm next to Cody. I get in and lay my head on Cody's lap. And off we went to the hospital.
------------------Time Skip----------------
When we get to the hospital, It seems Cody broke his foot and has to stay home for a while, but I get to stay with him. When Cody was asleep, Chief Burns comes up to me and pets my head. "You save two of my sons lives. Thank you." I barked in response. We leave Cody to get some sleep. I jump onto one of the kitchen chairs and find a newspaper. I look at it and has my picture in the missing kids part. And another part has where I saved Kade and Cody. "Dad why is the dog at the table?" Cody's sister, Dani asked. "I thinks it's reading the newspaper." Says Graham. I look over, nod my head and go back to reading the paper. After a while of reading the paper, I jump down and go to the bunker. There the bots was walking around, I try to sneak outside, but unfortunately I was caught by the green bot. So I went and jumped up on the blue bot's lap and layed there. He seemed to be confused on what I was doing. So the green bot decided to give me a few commands. Which I did perfectly. After a while I got bored and played with the bots a little more then went back to Cody. I love this family. I know remember how it feels to have a caring family. It's been many years sense I been this caring for other people.

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