Chapter 1

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You and you're friend (f/n) decide to go hiking on Mt.Ebott. You've heard the story's of how people go up there and never come back alive.
"Hey, (y/n)? What is that?" (f/n) says while pointing to a large hole in the ground.

You decide to walk up to the large hole to explore and find something new. "I can't see the bottom, it's to dark." you explain to your friend as you stand up from leaning over the hole.

"That's to bad, would be cool if we could see what was down there."

"I've got an idea."

You pick up a stone and toss it down the hole and wait about 10 seconds till you hear the rock hit the bottom.

"Hey, (f/n) I think i'm gonna stay here a while, see if i can find anything else out." you say while looking around a bit more.

"Ok (y/n), stay safe and do you have you're cell on you?"

You nod. (Y/n) starts to walk in the direction of you're home town. Suddenly out of no where a large gust of wind pushes you down into the hole. 'Shit, well. I'm screwed ' you think to you're self as you fall being stupidly calm. You start to see the bottom of the cave now starting to panic, realizing at the bottom is.... A bunch of golden flowers?

As the bottom inches closer to you, you scream for someone to help you.

But nobody came

(This will not be a genocide route but I thought that would be a good quote for our little story. Sorry, please continue)

You hit the ground landing on the beautiful golden flowers. You sit up from your once laid down position and rub the back of your head. You tried to stand up but soon regretted it. You sat back down to wait for the dizziness to go away and the pain in your head as well.

Once the pain and dizziness was gone, you stood up and looked for a way out. 'Well guess i can't climb out' You start walking along the walls with your had on the wall feeling for any type of exit. You soon find a corridor that leading into another room with more golden flowers. The spot around the flowers seems to be the only place lit up. 'huh' You walk up to it and to you're surprise is a Golden flower with a face on it.

You squat down in front of the flower and try to touch it. "Hey no touching! I'm delicate!"
(Uh huh suuure you are.)
"What the hell are you?! And who the hell are you?! Is this some kind of prank?" you say as you jump back in surprise.
"I'm a flower duh. Anyways, Howdy. I'm Flowey. Flowey the flower! You're new the underground aren't you?"

"Y-yeah... I'm (y/n)"

" Well let me teach you about the underground then! You see that heart? That is you're soul. Once you enter a FIGHT you're soul appears."

"Okay?" You make sure you're not to close to the flower. He seems to nice, you don't quite trust him yet.

"Down here you gain LV."


"Why its love of course! You like love don't you?"

"I guess?"

"Well to gain LOVE you have to collect "friendliness pellets"" suddenly you enter a fight and these little white orbs spawn around you.

"Now move around and collect the pellets!"

You follow his orders and collect a pellet. You are instantly filled with pain and you realize you have 1 health left.

"YoU iDiOt! In ThIs WoRlD iTs KiLl Or Be KiLlEd!" Flowey screams at you with a totally different expression on his face. In a matter of seconds a circle of "friendliness pellets" surround you. You start to panic.

You notice a sudden spark of fire aimed at Flowey and just before the pellets hit you the fire ball hit flowey and he flew off. The pellets Disappear and you're not in a fight anymore.

A goat like woman stands before you offering her hand. You hesitate not sure you can trust anyone here. Were these the monsters that the legend speaks of? You never thought they were true until now.

"What a horrible creature, harming such an innocent child. Are you ok my dear?" The goat lady says as she pulls you up.

"Yeah I guess so. Just hurt a little bit."

"Oh dear, your health is low eat this."
She hands you what looks like a pice of candy. You eat it. Health restored.

"My name is Toriel, and you are?"

"(y/n). (y/n) (l/n)."

"Well my child. I'm glad to meet you."

"Ditto. May I ask where I am?"

"You are in the Ruins. In the underground. Come my child. Lets teach you about the ruins and get you cleaned up."

Toriel takes your hand and guides you through a couple different puzzles and explains to you how the Ruins work as well as the Underground. She explains to you of how there is a girl named Frisk who came before me, and is trapped here with the rest of us.

( I'm making Frisk female because me along with a lot of others see them as female. So Frisk is now Female. Deal with it.)

We finally make it to Toriel's house and walk inside to a little girl waiting at the door. You assume this is Frisk.
Frisk runs up to Toriel and hugs her then points at you.

"No need to worry my child, she fell down the same hole as you and met that demonic flower as well."

Frisk suddenly looked like she felt bad for me and walked up to you and hugged you.

"Hey there Frisk. I'm (y/n), nice to meet you."

You say as you hug the little one back. Frisk takes you're hand and leads you down a hallway into a room.

"Is this your room?"

Frisk nods as she leads you to a second bed that so happens to have (f/c) sheets. You lay down and close your eyes and drift off to sleep.

Hey guys. I doubt this has any reads yet but, it will soon... I hope. Anyways, I've dicided when one of the Author~chan's are talking me, Ahri will be plain Bold and Anna~Chan will be bold and Italic. I wrote all of this so far and its over 1000 words! Yay me! Anna might add somethings, not sure yet. But the song above is just a video I like. Anyways have an amazing day! And know that Sans loves you! Boi! -Ahri~Chan

Anna~chan loves<3 X3

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