Chapter 3

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You slowly turn around to come face to face with... A skeleton? 'How does that even work? Bah now is not the time for that' you reach out you're hand and take the skeleton's boney hand. Soon after you heard what sounds like a fart coming from your shaking hands. The skeleton laughs.

"The god ol' whoopie cushion in the hand trick. I'm sans. Sans the skeleton."

"(Y-Y/N)(L/N)" you said as a light blush crept over you're face.

"Well it's nice to meet you. Do you wanna meet my brother? He's really cool."

" Um, sure why not? I bet he is a very lovely pers- er wait. If he is you're brother he would be a skeleton too right?"

"Yep. But i have to warn you he can be really loud. And do not eat his spaghetti, it's not the best there is."

"Noted." You turn around to keep walking seeing as where you came from only had 1 path.

"Hey wait. You look chilled to BONE, lets take a short cut." Sans says as he takes you're hand

"Ok, COOL by me. " you say while laughing at his little pun.

"Heh heh good one kid. But for the short cut I suggest you close your eyes."

You do so closing you're eyes closed. All of a sudden you feel a quick surge of energy but it ends fairly quickly.

"We're here" Sans says

"How the hell? How did you do that?" You and Sans then realise that the two of you are still holding hand and let go quickly. You blush a little but and when you look up at Sans, he was blush, light blue? 'Huh that's weird.'

"U-uh that's my little secret maybe one day you'll find out. But right now you have to meet my brother."

You look around noticing that there was a sock lying on the ground, a table to you're right with a rock and a stick note saying "Sans don't forget to fees you're pet rock!" you laugh knowing that rocks don't need to be fed. The next thing you notice is Sans and a Taller skeleton standing in what looks like a kitchen.

"HELLO HUMAN! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" the tall one yells. You're gonna have to get used to the yelling.

"Nice to meet you Papyrus, I'm (Y/N), (Y/N)(L/N)." you wave to the taller skeleton.


You glace over at Sans and he nods. You notice that Sans was wearing a blue hoodie with a white under shirt, black basketball shorts and pick slippers. You also notice that he seems to always has a huge goofy grin on his face.

"Sure Papyrus, I trust you. But do you mind if i look around while you cook?"


"Sure bro, right this way (Y/N)." Sans walks out of the kitchen inti the bigger room.

"This is the living room. The Tv. The couch. And my pet rock." Sans says while pointing everything out. He starts to walk up the stairs and you follow him up. He goes into the first room you see. You follow him i side to see what looks like a child's room. A race car bed, dolls ( or as some would say action figures ), and a book shelf full of children books.

"This is Paps' room. And yes it is very childish, probably because papyrus hasn't accepted the fact that he needs yo grow up. Fine by me though."

You nod as Sans leads you to the next room over witch seems to be a bathroom.

"We don't really need this seeing as we don't produce waste, but we can get stinky so the shower is useful. " states Sans as he goes to the 3rd and Final door.

"This is my room."

You look around as Sans goes to his bed and sits on it waiting for you to finish looking around.

Sit next to Sans?

<3Yes No

You sit next to your boney friend.

"Do you mind if i ask some questions about you, your brother and the underground?"

"Sure but only if you allow me to ask you some questions afterwards."

"OK deal. So who is older? You or Papyrus?"

"I am. He just happened to get our dad's height."

"Interesting. How old are you?"

"18. Pap is 13"

"Oh that's cool. How long have you been in the underground for?"

"A very long Tem."

"Tem? I think i remember reading about them. They are very... Weird." You giggled.


Sans stands up and walks to the door.

"Hey kid. Don't worry to much about the cooking. I'll take care of it. Afterwards I'll take ya to Grillbys to get something more edible."

You nod as you walk out of Sans' room and down into the kitchen. You sit down and look at the food in front of you, 'it looks like it has glitter in it.' you think to yourself as you attempt to take a bit of the undercooked spaghetti.

"Hey bro did you hear that?" Sans asks Papyrus before i take a bite. I look at Papyrus relived I don't have to eat his food quite yet.


"I think someone knocked" Sans replys

"OH LET ME GO SEE!" Papyurs gets up and walks over to the door. Sans quickly grabbed my plate and threw the food in the garbage disposal. He sat back down and put the plate and fork back in front of me.

"THERE WAS NO BODY THERE SANS. AH, HUMAN! I SEE YOU ATE ALL OF YOUR FOOD! DID YOU ENJOY IT?" Papyrus says as he sits back sown at the small table.

You give him a huge smile and wink at Sans quickly without Papyrus noticing.

"Yes Papyrus it was so good I'm full now." you say as Sans give you a quick wink back.

"Hey Paps, I'm going to take (Y/N) here to Grillbys. I wanna show her around Snowdin afterwards. We'll be back." Sans says while walking to the door. You get up and put you're plate and fork in the skin to wash. You turn on the garbage disposal and let you're food disappear within the sink. You walk over to Sans and gave him a warm smile and told him you were ready to go. He smiled back and what looked like blue blush appeared on his face. You giggled and walked out the door with your skeletal friend.
1118 words guys! A new record for me! Heh, I've been working on this all day. Well besides from school hours duh. But I hope you all enjoyed. Anna~Chan should be doing a new chappy after she's read this one. Ok Anna it's your turn =P. Have a GREAT night tonight and DM me/us Puns that we can use for Sans. It's hard to come up with them. He is a true punmaster ;).
Good night guys and remember SANS WUVS CHU!

The Punmaster's Lover A Sans x Reader Fan Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now