Chapter 4

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As you and Sans walk out of the house, you shiver forgetting how cold it was. Sans seemed to take notice of this and wrapped his arm around you.

"Doing ok there kiddo? You seem chilled."

"Y-yeah, not used to snow like t-this."

"We'll be in Grillbys soon enough, plus Grillby will sure warm you up!" Sans chucked and winked at me as we approached a diner with big illuminated letters that spelled out Grillbys.

As we walk inside you're instantly filled with an unknown warmth. Sans puts his arm back to his side and goes up to the counter and sits patting a seat next to him for you sit sit down in. As you sit down you notice how lively the place is, and when you look behind the bar you see fire.

"Eek!" you squeal and fall out of your seat to realize its a burning man, or a fire man?

Sans laughs and helps you back up to you're seat.

"Grillby seemed to freak you out huh? Its ok he won't bite."

You start to giggle at your ignorance, why did a candle on fire surprise you?

"Well I gotta admit he is pretty hot."

Sans laughs again, "Heh I like you kid. You under-sans the pun in punny"

That was it you couldn't contain your laughter.

Wheezing, you take deep breathes trying to control you're laughter, while everyone looked at you strangely. That's not new though, you've always been awkward in front of other people in general.

After a solid 10 minutes of laughter you finally stop gasping for air.

"Heh I'm not that funny kiddo." Sans' eyes go dark and his smile lightens.

"Yes you are, honestly they don't get any better than that." you have sans a warm smile, then out of no where you stomach decides it's a whale.

You hold you abdominal area while sans stares at you.

"What the hell was that?"

"My stomach, I'm hungry."

"Oh well lettuce order some food"

You nod and cover your mouth trying not to laugh again.

"Hey Grillby we're going to order now!" Sans waves down Grillby and he comes over with a pen and paper and a menu.

He hands you the menu and you scan through the options.

"Hmm I'll take the Fries/burger"

"Good choice I'll take one too and a bottle of ketchup"

Grillby nods writing down the order walking away to get our food. Moments later he comes back with the grub.

"Thank you!"

"Thanks Grillbo"

You start to eat your food.

"Want some ketchup?" He starts to hand you the bottle.

"Sure! Thanks!"

You take the bottle and tighten the cap to be sure it doesn't spill out every where and notice it was really loose.

"Sans you ass you were going to have it spill all over me!"

Sans chuckles and shrugs and you punch his arm while giggling. You squirt a small amount of ketchup on your food/on the side. And start to eat the rest.


Hey guys Ahri~Chan I kinda want to explain why I haven't updated in months, well 1st Anna~chan has been really busy and kinda quit the story, 2ed I've been depressed and lost interest for quite a while and I'm sorry, at this point i don't know whether this story will spiral down into a pit of failure or rise up. And 3rd even when I did have an interest in writing the story, I had/have writers block. Anyways onto other news, i want to make this story a bit more interactive, I've been read a DanIsNotOnFire X Reader (because I'm trash) and I loved how they made it so you can interact with the story. So I want to do the same. Anyways hope for an update cause who knows if you'll get another.

The Punmaster's Lover A Sans x Reader Fan Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now