People Have Told Me I Don't Look The Same

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A/N: this is literally a filler part rip @ me. also soz i havent updated in 5ever when this draft was just sitting here. title from Panic! At The Disco's "Death Of A Bachelor"



Ashlynn walked up to the lunch table with her lunch tray and sat down to an eerily quiet group, considering they were all chatting just moments before. "Did I interrupt something?" She asked, setting down her tray.

Lori and Ruby shared a skeptical glance. Ashlynn waited for an answer. "Well, no not really. We just finished discussing a thing." Lori told her.

"A thing...?" Ashlynn drawled out, expecting an explanation.

"Yes, a thing." Lori affirmed.

"Okay." Ashlynn made a face and didn't dig any further down. They were talking about how much they hate you and can't stand being around you. The voice seethed. Ashlynn felt a shiver from her neck down to her legs. No. She told it. The voice didn't say anything else.

Ashlynn felt sick to her stomach and lacked the courage to eat. But she had to. So she doesn't pass out in the bathroom... again. She picks up her fork and stabs a piece of fruit and eats it. A sense of dread and relief fill her head.


Joshua approached Ashlynn after lunch. "Hey man, what's up?" Ashlynn greeted.

"Dude, you have no clue. Lori and Ruby are planning to fuck with Annie." Joshua replied with slight urgency.

Ashlynn's mouth gaped open. "What are they gonna do?" She asked.

"I don't know details but Ruby is gonna go over to Lori's tonight and they're gonna go over to Annie's place and I dunno lure her out and either fuck her up or fuck with her." Joshua explained.

"Yikes." Ashlynn made a face. "That can't be good... I hope they don't kill her."

"With what she's done to you, I'd be surprised if they didn't." Joshua finished and walked off to his next class.

Ashlynn stood there for a moment, taking in his words. "Damn..." She mumbled quietly.


On her way to her last class, Ashlynn was stopped by Gracie. "Hey, Ashlynn!" She smiled as she hooked her arm around her friends'.

"Hey, Gracie. What's up?" Ashlynn smiled as she replied.

"Eh, nothing much. What about you?" Gracie asked.

"Well I wanna go home, first of all." Ashlynn laughed.

"Dude, me too. I'm so tired of all this shit here at school." Gracie looked at Ashlynn. "Speaking of tired, you should really get more sleep."

Ashlynn gave Gracie a quizzical look. "What do you mean? I get at least seven-and-a-half hours most nights." She explained.

Gracie raised a brow and made a small "hmm" noise. "Are you sure?" She made a face, squinting her eyes. "I know a tired face when I see one." She broke off from Ashlynn and walked to her next class down an adjacent hall.

Ashlynn chewed her lip for a brief moment in thought and decided to go to the bathroom really quick. She looked in the mirror and she recognized the dark circles under her eyes. And oh... she finally realized what she actually looked like.

Her eyes sunken in, almost void of life. Her cheeks carved out, making her cheekbones extremely prominent. The area around her eyes was not only dark, but seemed red as well. Her skin was pale, lips dry. She brought a hand to her face and covered her mouth. It was like looking at a train accident. It's terrible but you just can't look away. She tore her eyes from the mirror and stormed out of the bathroom.


The last bell of the day rang and students were dismissed from their classes to go home. Finally I can escape this hell... only to come back Monday. Ashlynn thought to herself as she slipped her bag over her shoulder. She thought about taking the bus but decided to walk home. Before making her leave, she went to sit underneath the cork tree.

Ashlynn sat on the root and rested against the trunk. She looked up to see the sky through the leaves and branches. She turned her head and saw dary gray clouds on the horizon. She groaned and stood up slowly. She felt a little lightheaded so she stood, bracing against the tree for a moment.

Ashlynn started walking home, it wasn't excruciatingly far from the school so she could make the trek. She thought for a moment. She hadn't done it in a while, though. She shrugs and continues walking home.

Halfway home, Ashlynn started struggling for breath. Now, three-quarters through, she's seeing dark spots in her eyes. She continued down the sidewalk with cars zooming by-silently hoping one of the drivers is drunk, swerves and runs her over. She stops in her tracks, takes a few deep breaths, then continues.

Ashlynn is about the cross the intersection between the main street, her old elementary school, and the entrance to a neighborhood, when she gets an idea. She cuts into the elementary school's bus parking lot and continues down the wide road to the round-a-bout. She approached the fenced-off forest and walked through the gap between the black fence and the concrete wall.

Ashlynn walked up the well-worn dirt path next to the concrete wall, decorated with English ivy. The path opens up to grass, then the dead-end road. She steps onto the street, now in her own neighborhood. She walks down the road to the intersection and takes a left, then follows the right curve, then up the hill, then takes another left. At this point, she's more out of breath than ever.

Damn, I'm so fucking out of shape. She continued up the street, follows another right curve and comes up to her house. Ashlynn pulled the mailbox open, then closed it, for it was empty. She walks up her driveway and punches in the code for the garage door.

Ashlynn walks into the garage and closed the garage door. She sighed as she entered her house. She takes out her earbuds and swings them around her neck. She continues through the house and walks up the stairs. She opens her door and sets down her bag on the foot of her bed. Ashlynn sits down on her bed and leans back on her pillow.

A/N: yikes this is short soz and i dont think the next chapter will be long either but idk i havent written it yet as of writing this

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