All The Light That You Possess Is Skewed By Lakes And Seas

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A/N: ah yes, filler chapters, my favorite :)))). title from "You Are The Moon" by The Hush Sound. i was gonna make it even longer (adding "The Shattered Surface, So Imperfect, Is All That You Believe") but it was already long enough soz haha


 Ashlynn opens her eyes to a slightly darker room. She feels around for her phone and picks it up. The time reads "6:38". She groans. "Damnit, I should've started my homework an hour ago... fuuuuck." She falls back onto her bed. She sits up quickly, feeling dizzy and lightheaded momentarily. She takes off her shoes and and sits cross-legged on her bed, then pulls her binder into her lap, and begins working.

Then her phone buzzed.


bruh did you walk home


lol yeah


dude why


idk d00d


did you take a nap when you got home


pft actually yeah i did and now im working on hw


can i get answers


i mean i guess but what makes you unable to do it urself


im w ruby rn


cant you do it together




besides im not even done w the first thing yet


i love you but you suck


i love you too and i dont suck

i finger


ashlynn no


ashlynn yes


well i guess me and ruby are gonna do hw


i will do the same just lonelier


aww poor you

Ashlynn put her phone down and continued to work on her homework until it was complete.


Ashlynn heard the pattering of rain on against her window. She moved the blinds out of the way and gazed to her dark backyard. The trees swayed to and fro in the harsh winds. She felt her expression grow tired and lifeless, blinking slowly. Ashlynn let the blinds fall back into place as she got out of her bed. After a few moments of regaining her composure, she set off downstairs.

Ashlynn opened the door to her back screened-in section of porch, then closed the door behind her. She opened the screen door and walked onto the slick, cold wood. She inhaled deeply, vision becoming blurry, and exhaled with a satisfied sigh. Ashlynn looked up to the dark sky. A tune came to mind, she knew she'd have to listen to it before going to bed.

"Darkness, darkness, everywhere. Do you feel alone?" She sang quietly to herself. "The subtle grace of gravity, the heavy weight of stone."

A small smile tugged the the corners of Ashlynn's mouth. She turned to the door and walked inside, deciding she was wet enough. A chill ran down her spine as a thought occurred to her. I hope Lori and Ruby don't do anything stupid.

As she walks inside, Ashlynn is greeted with silence. Adrenaline courses lightly through her veins as she realizes no one is home and she could off herself right then and there and no one would notice until the morning. But she decides against it. Tonight is not the night... maybe next week.

Ashlynn trudges up the stairs and into her room. She peels off her rain-soaked clothes and puts on her pajamas. It may be early, but Ashlynn figures she should try to catch up on sleep while she can.

She crawls into bed, plugs in her phone to the charger, and plugs in her earbuds. She puts her earbuds in each ear as she opens up Spotify. Ashlynn searches "You Are The Moon", and clicks on the song by The Hush Sound.

Shadows all around you as you surface from the dark

Emerging from the gentle grip of night's unfolding arms

A/N: this is actually so bad and so short i am SORRY i am TRYING okAY. im sorry i havent updated in a reeeaaally long time, ive been working on a kik au that literally no one will read bc its not going on wattpad rip in peace bye

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