Hurt, betrayal, feareverything I didn't want to hear.
He left me with a smirk on his face.
Rage boiled within me and all I wanted to do was put him in his place.
Darkness is all I saw, no sunshine in sight.
No sudden light.
As I sit hear in Starbucks,
thinking my life sucks
the door opened with a ring.
I jerk my head up, my heart began to sing,
as he looked at me, a smile plastered on his face.
My eyes followed his body as he kept in pace.
He told me his name,
I knew it wasn't a game.
My heart became patched up.
I tried to hide my smile behind my cup,
but he pulled it away, explaining he likes my smile.
My thudding heart raced as fast as a mile.
And I knew from that moment on,
my hurt was gone.
Replaced with joy,
all because of a brown eyed boy.