That Infuriating Pink Plus Sign

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Chapter Two

"No way." I glared at the cotton candy colored plus sign that seemed to pop against the pale white sheen of the stick. There was no way this was happening.

"Maybe this is good news." Sarah's voice carried about as much disbelief as my own, but she was known to look at the positive side of things. "Maybe you really are pregnant."

"Pregnant my ass." I tossed the pee stick into the garbage, refusing to stare at the false results any longer. "Its probably defected." I wasn't even going to begin with all the reasons why this couldn't be true.

"Well, the doctors did say there was a slim chance-"

"Sarah." I stopped her short. "I know what they said. I also remember the words IMPOSSIBLE being implied." The memory of the man's voice returned, and I quickly pushed it back down.

"He's just doesn't believe in miracles." Sarah scowled, her blue eyes scorching. "Anything’s possible, Beth."

"As long as I believe, right?" I mocked, rolling my eyes. I wasn't about to let my sister in-law convince me that I was pregnant. I refused.


"Look, Sarah." I avoided her crystal stare as I said this. "I know things have been rough for you after the miscarriage." I swallowed. "But I'd appreciate you not trying to fill me up with blind hope. I know the odds, and they're impossible."

Sarah sighed and it took me a moment to realize her eyes were glassy, tears threatening to brim over. After blinking they disappeared, and a small smile took its place. "Elizabeth." She took my hands, like I was the one that needed the comforting. "Please just…humor me? I don't mean to put you through any pain, honestly, but I think you should take a few more tests. Just in case." When I didn't answer she looked up at me, her blue eyes watering once again. "For me?"

I nodded, looking away. I couldn't just refuse her when she was crying. It reminded me of the pain of knowing I could never get pregnant. That false plus in the trashcan was like a cruel joke, silently taunting me.

She drove us back to Walmart. We wordlessly got out of the mini van –it was an early present from my parents when she was still expecting– and I practically ran down the aisle, a blue plastic basket hung on my arm. I began tossing every pregnancy test into the bin, even a few of the same ones.

Sarah touched my arm. "Perhaps you are having false results by carelessly throwing them."

I nodded. "Yeah, that's gotta be it." I started cramming the defected ones back on the shelf, causing a bunch to fall to the ground and started picking up accurate tests.

"Calm down Beth!" Sarah seized my outstretched arm. "Are you okay?"

"Do I LOOK okay?" I demanded, tears welling in my eyes. I took a deep breath, pushing the lump in my throat down. "I was always told this could never happen. It’s impossible, even I know this, but I..." My lip quivered. "I don't want this to be fake."

Sarah took me into her arms, her petite, tiny body dwarfed under my tall frame, but it was comforting all the same. She led me to a bench beside the pharmacist, placing the basket on the floor.

“It’s scary, I know,” she whispered, rubbing my back. “But you’ll get through this. I know you will.”

My lip trembled and I feared speaking would cause me to burst into tears. I just nodded.

“But there’s one more thing to do.” She pulled me back at arms length, staring at me with those crystal gems. “Elizabeth…who’s the father?”

I'm sorry I know this is extremely short, but please make due. I promise the next chapter will be much longer =)

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