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I don’t own Grojband band but I wish I did.

I think we have an emergency

“Peanuts… In my milksh…” Corey wheezed.


 Corey could die. Laney couldn’t even begin to face that. “Oh my god Core forget the gig we have to go get you to a hospital!” Corey’s face already looked much redder and much puffier than it should.

I think we have an emergency

“Laney I can still play a song.” Corey wheezed out “But I need you to sing, Lanes.”

If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong

Cause I won't stop holding on

Laney was trying to be as rational as possible despite her panic and fear for Corey. “Corey I can’t. You’re acting delusional. You could die. Let’s get you to the hos-“

This is an emergency

So are you listening?

“Lanes… we need this gig please..” Every word Corey spoke sounded labored. He was trying to stand with Kin and Kon doing the best they could to help support him. “Laney please…” Every part of her wanted to help him but those same pieces knew she couldn’t.


And I can't pretend that I don't see this

Laney looked at Corey and the pleading in his eyes along with the fear for his life and then she looked at the stage, with hundreds of people waiting hear them, waiting to celebrate, waiting to judge her. Her band mates were waiting to see what she would do. She was waiting too.

It's really not your fault

That no one cares to talk about it,

Talk about it

Laney looked once again at Corey. He was willing to risk his life to play this gig. He was letting go of his fear of death. She should be able to let go of some stupid insecurity. That insecurity might not even be founded in reality. Corey wouldn’t have asked her to sing if he didn’t believe she could. She just hoped that was the case.

She looked at her band mates “I guess I’ll try.” She managed to say through her sea of nervousness, she was praying it sounded like her usual cool nonchalant attitude.

The band made a split second decision that Corey should play backstage so his quickly worsening appearence wouldn’t alarm any of the wedding guests.

By the time Laney walked onto the stage, bass in hand, she had almost talked herself out of singing. She was drowning in nervous energy and doubt mixed with more than enough fear for both her and Corey. She really shouldn’t be doing this. She didn’t belong at the forefront of the stage. She just wasn’t a singer. Not to mention that Corey needed to be in a hospital, not play a guitar or comforting her. The fact that he was in such danger only added to the terrifying thought bouncing through her head ‘What if I fail?’

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