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            A yawn escapes my mouth as my dreams fade away and I wake up from sleep. Yesterday’s events come into my head, and I feel sick to my stomach. I need to go apologize to Electra. I throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and begin the journey to her house. The door is unlocked like always, and I walk inside. Marilyn greets me with kisses like always.

            “Electra!” I shout, but the name just echoes in the mansion.

            I conclude that she’s still sleeping, so I walk up the stairs to her room with Marilyn in my arms. She’s sprawled out on her bed with her hand hanging over the side.

            “Electra!” I say as I bounce onto her.

            “Marina,” she moans, weakly pushing me off her body.

            When I see her face my heart stops. There’s no life there. Her face is gaunt like a skeleton’s and her eyes don’t have the usual Electra Heart spark. That’s when I notice the empty orange pill bottle on the floor. No.

            “What did you do?” I scream, tears forming in my eyes.

            “I wanted to do it like Sylvia. The whole head in the oven thing, but I wasn’t strong enough,” she says and her voice is barely audible. “I guess sleeping pills work too though. Fifty did the trick for Marilyn so that’s what I did.”

            Tears were streaming down my face now. My best friend was dying before my very eyes.

            “This isn’t happening. Electra, please tell me this is a joke,” I plead, my voice thick with emotion.

            “Marina. I’ve been living dead for a long time and I’m done with the living part.”

            She places her hand into mine and squeezes it, using every ounce of strength she has left.

            “Sit up,” she commands me, and I do as she says.

            Electra’s hand shakes as she licks her palm. Then she rubs off the black heart with the moisture and the friction of her hand. Using that same hand, she holds my chin. In the other she has black eyeliner. She manages to draw her signature heart onto my left cheek before she collapses back onto the bed. I reach out to grab her hand and she takes it.

            “Now you’re Electra Heart.” Those are her last words.

♡THE STORY OF ELECTRA HEART♡Where stories live. Discover now