The Best Year

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Chapter 1

It was finally my last year o middle school. We were the middle school "seniors". And we were gonna make the most out of our 8th grade year( well Emmy and I, oh and my name is Mckenzie by the way but all my friends call me Kenzie for short).

Anyway it was 2 days before school started back up( our 8th grade year), and i was at my friend Emmy's having a last minute sleepover. It was 12:00 at night and we were both bored and about to dose off. I was half way asleep when all of a sudden Emmy starts shaking me "back to life".

"What what happened?" i asked followed by a big yawn.

"You almost fell asleep Kenz," (another nickname) she said.

"Ya so," i asked starting to get comfy again.

"Soo!! This is our last sleepover before school starts up again in two days!!" She exclaimed like i had known all along.

"And your point is..." I said starting to doze back off.

"My point is we have to make the most off it!!" she practically screamed.

"No need to yell i am like 2 feet away," i said sitting up in her bed.

"There is a reason to scream...that is how i had to get your attention."

"Well you have my attention so do you have any ideas?" I asked Sally looking at the clock.

"Well i do have one..." She said kinda mysteriously.

"And that would be?..."i asked not in the mood for the guessing game.

"Truth or Dare... What do you say Kenzie, you wanna play?"she asked kinda hopeful.

"Ya sure ok Truth or Dare?"i asked

"Um dare." Emmy said

"Ok, i dare you to prank call someone."

Emmy pulled out her phone and dialed a random number.

When she got done with that we were both dyeing from laughing so hard. After we calmed down a bit it was my turn.

Truth or Dare?" She asked me.

"Truth," i said without hesitating.

"Okay who do you like and you have to say someone."

"Do i gotta!" I whined.

"Yes come on i swear not to tell," Emmy said.

"Okay fine i might like Bryce a little bit but you cant tell...swear?" I questioned.

"Swear she said now your turn."

"Ok Truth or Dare?" I asked.


Who do you like?" I asked wanting to know.

"I might kinda like Miles," she said. "But you cant tell anyone swear?" She asked.

"Swear i said."

"Actually that gives me an idea Emmy..."i said with a smile o my face.

------------------------------------- read, vote, comment, enjoy i will update soon!!:) hope yall enjoy!

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