Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

When the bell finally rang to get to first period, Bryce and I walked out to the trailers. When i opened the door and walked all i heard was "SURPRISE" and "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". I laughed and told everyone thank you then went and sat down with Bryce.

At lunch i walked in and everybody started to sing happy birthday i was happy and embarrassed at the same time. We found Emmy and Miles sitting at a far table and went and joined them.
"Hey birthday girl" Emmy said when we sat down.
"Hey"i said
"Did you like the song?"
"Why the hell did you make everyone do that?" I asked.
I could tell Bryce was trying his best not to laugh.
"Kenzie! Use your nice words and Bryce no encouraging!" Emmy said.
"Hey she is cute when she talks like that."
"Aww thanks" i said laughing.
After that we just talked about our day and what we were gonna do after school.
"Well we could do a double date picnic," Miles suggested.
"Ok we can just tell out parents we are going to the park." I said
"My mon said it was fine"
"Mine to"
"Same here"
"I am good"
"Ok then it is settled...we will walk down to the park after school." I said
I know it was a short chapter but i will update in the morning!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2013 ⏰

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