Chapter Eight: Promise?

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Chapter Eight: Promise?

~Harry p.o.v~

"HARRY WHAT HAPPEN?! THE FIRST THING I TELL YOU NOT TO MESS UP AND THAT'S WHAT YOU DO!" Lilly said getting on her tippy toes so she could point her finger at my face angrily.

I sigh and its true. "I'm sorry. I left her at the bar by accident and I went back to look for her but she wasn't their. I told the boys to help me look for her, we went around town and found Annalise under a tree. I'm really am sorry Lily." I said putting my head down ashamed about my actions.

Annalise doesn't deserve to be with a horrible father like me.

Lilly rub her temples. She's pissed out of her mind, she probably calling me so many names in her little head right now.

"I'm sorry Harry but I have to take Annalise back home she ant stay with you at all-"

"Lily look its not Harry fault okay we should of never brought him to the bar with Annalise." Louis said really well....parent like? Weird right.

Lily probably thinking the same thing like me because she gave him a weird look. "What did you do to the real Louis!" She said hitting his playfully.

"Ouch ouch your hitting the wrong person Li! It's me Zayn ouch!" Zayn said covering his hair so it won't get mess up.

She rolled her eyes. "I know I just miss you guys so much, Harry I didn't for get what I said earlier but I'll think about since Louis went all smarty on me." She said giving all the boys a hugs then talk to the girls for awhile till the doctor walk in.

"Umm Harry could I talk to you please....."

I got up and to tell yea the truth I had this feeling in my guy that it was something really horrible. I took a deep breathe and wait for his answer.

"We'll Harry she's awake now but just keep it quite please. You could take her home now and when you do make sure she takes a hot shower." He said and walk to tell the boys about the news.

I walk to Annalise room to see her sleepy but very pale her hair look also pale too. When I got closer to her I saw tear stains. I sigh its all my fault.

"Mummy is that you?" Annalise said rubbing her eyes finally waking up. "No it's Patrick." I said kissing her cheek making her smile and giggle.

"I thought you abandon me." She said taking me to a tight hug. "I would never do that Annalise." I said laying her back feeling how cold she is.

I'm pretty piss off that the doctors didn't give her a shower instead. Like c'mon that your Job to take care of someone not me. Well she's my daughter never mind.

"Where's everyone else- auntie lily! I miss you so much! I miss your foood!!!!!!" Annalise got off her bed and started sprinting but went went back to her bed. "It's cold."

"Thank god your alright!" Lily said giving her a tight hug. I wonder if she change her mind about taking Annalise away from me.

~Annalise p.o.v~

I was so happy to see auntie lily well mostly her food but still I miss her stinky butt! I wonder if she's going to stay here or something so we could be a family again well sort of.

"Uncle Nialler!" I said tackling him for a bear hug and squeeze him really tight. Then I did it to the boys.

"Auntie Hannah do you think I could have a sleepover at your house please please please!" I said begging with the warm blanket around me.

She laugh. "Of course honey but tomorrow okay we have take you home first." Auntie Hannah give me a sloppy kiss on the cheek and tuck me in.

Everyone left by now and I felt myself falling asleep tell I hear whispering. Ohh I wonder what their talking about. Their probably planning about having a food surprise for me.

"Babe c'mon we have to go to Harry's house already, I promised I'll make my famous pumkin pie." Auntie Lily said. I got up real fast and put on my shoes.

Then I felt someone pull me into a hug making me giggle. I felt a very warm blanket covering me up making me snuggle up more into it. I don't know why I'm so cold?

I let out a loud yawn. "Auntie where's daddy?" I said holding her hand tightly. What I he left me? What if he thought I was just a mistake to come into his life? What would Katniss do?

I don't think shooting people with arrows is going to help.

"He went home to start the shower really quick babe okay we have to make you take a shower so you won't be cold anymore." Auntie said. Why do I need to take a shower? Do I stink?


Harry p.o.v

"No daddy it's to hot please no daddy!" Annalise cried between sobs. I felt so bad for her right now she just put one foot and she's already crying.

"Annalise you have to inside of you don't something will happen, don't you want pumkin pie?" I said wiping tears off her little chubby cheeks that are now stain with tears.

"Promise you won't leave me?" She said putting her little pinky up, I wrapped my pinky on hers and remember how me and Molly use to do the same.

I kissed her cheek and held her hand which she return with a tight hold. "Promise."

She took a deep breathe an duck her head under water looking like a puffy fish she came out and gasp for some air, whining how hot it the water is.

"Alright alright c'mon c'mon babe lets go!" Lily said walking in with a towel warping Annalise in it.

"The everyone is here it's just them," lily rolled her eyes. "I don't know why their trying to change my mind about taking Annalise away from you." She said walking out leaving in the bathroom alone.

I walk lazily to the kitchen seeing all the boys talking and arguing at the same. "Uhh so..."

"Harry we can't make Lilly take Annalise away from you! The poor girl barely meet you!" Danielle said crushing me into a hug crying.

"Umm yea I know, guys just stop already their no way changing Lily mind." I said letting go of Danielle's hug and grab some few drinks (alcohol) for everyone but gave Niall the strongest drink since he hates mines.

"But we hadn't even tried yet Harold!" Louis said. Ahh crap now I know this is serious he never calls me by my real name. I sigh and just ignore everyone.

"You guys should learn how to whisper more, and be quiet Annalise needs her sleep for tomorrow." Lilly said walking in an everyone is just quiet till I heard the lightest raspy voice crying.

"Your taking me away from him Auntie Lilly?" Annalise said holding in tears and holding her t-Rex Dino toy I bought her.

"No sweetie, I won't just say- ANNALISE!" Lily screamed running after Annalise. I sigh and noticed that everyone staring at me to the kitchen doorway.

"I guess we should be going I'm sorry Harry we really tried." Hannah said giving me a friendly kiss on the cheek then by the time I knew it everyone left.

I walk to Annalise room seeing her wrap in Lily arms. I stood right their by Annalise bed with tears now. "Please Lily just one more chance she's all I have right now please." I beg.

"Harry if Molly was here she'll say it was the best for her to go back home....." She said "but she'll also will kick my arse if I'm making her leave her awesome dad."

I look up to see Lily eyes puffy and red with year stains. I probably look like a wreck too. I sigh and put my head down to see Annalise sound asleep snuggling up to her Dino.

"Please Lily it was just one mistake okay even Annalise check on me that I forgot to call a babysitter.....just please let her stay with me she's all we got and you be to busy with your traveling-"

"Okay just this one chance Harold and if you mess up again I swear if you mess up again I'll straighten those curls of yours again." Lily said glaring at me then gave me her genuinely smile of hers.

Is it weird that I use to go out with Niall wife a few years ago? Why am I even talking about this, I'm so weird.


Annalise p.o.v

I woke up the next morning feeling my body hurting but I still I made myself get up and walk downstairs to see Niall and his family sitting around eating breakfast......

Without me! How rude!

I walk up to get five pancakes, eggs,bacon, French toast, and orange juice. I sat down and started eating like a boss.

"Your going to eat all of that curls?" Joshy said looking his plate then to my with a shock face. I look at his plate also in shock.

"Yea it's not that much any was." I said shrugging and went back to eating and notice Penny not here. "Uncle Nialler where Penny?"

"She's in her ballerina thin yea with the pink-" I shut Uncle Nialler by putting my hands to cover my innocent ears.

"Never say pink because I get that kinda stuff like how you guys hate the wanted, well that's how much I hate it." I said making Josh laugh really loud.

I'm sorry but they scare me sometimes even that one dude who looks like Zayn but more in all robotic looking scary way. I shuddered and put my plate away.

"Where's Aunty lily did she leave already? I'm bored....could we go somewhere I feel like in in prison....but with better food." I said skipping to the middle of the hall ways and started making a snow angel.

"Curls where are you- poor child if you were going that crazy in this house you should of told me, go and get you skateboard."

Right when Josh said that I ran to the basement getting my baby skateboard out of that scary place.

Me and Josh had a lot of fun at the 'skateboard space' for awhile I showed him some new tricks here and their. I may say that I'm way better then his sticky butt.

"C'mon Curls we have to go now!" He said grabbing my hand. I still had my black safety helmet on which was buggy me so I took it off.

I went to the basement to put my stuff away and ran to the living room to see that no one wasn't here. So Uncle Nialler and Joshy decided to leave me here alone like a loner well that's nice....not.

"Hello anyone hoommme?" I didn't recognize that voice at all, I've never heard that voice in my life before. Should I be worried.

I went to grab a bat and walk down the hallways like a awesome ninja I am. I know thank you, yes I work for the FBI at china ninja world. Is that even real, well now it is loser!

"Come come out where ever you are." The voice came closer actually it sounded to close. I took quiet steps looking down the hall to see no one.

I sigh. I'm probably going crazy then I felt someone wrap their hand on mouth making go in panic.

I kept hitting the person till I recognize who it was. I covered my mouth in shock and threw my bat on the floor.

(A/N: yea I know it sucks! Sorry I couldn't update since school back I'm SOOO happy *sarcasm*

I'll be updating every weekend or so I go have time since High school is the pain on the butt.


Does anyone here thinks Luke is sexy or what? (5sos)

And next chapter is going to bee super duper exciting....I'll give you a hint.....

Someone is going to die....... )

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