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-------ANNALISE P.O.V-----

I grab Uncle Nialler to a tight hug but the funny thing is that everyone was quite even the kids stop, even the whole world stop spinning, and even the fishes starred at us weird with their mouths open. Wait I can't blame the fishes that's how they look like every time.

"What?" I heard Harry say confused with his deep raspy voice like dark Vader. Haha I'm going to call him that now.

"Dark Vader this is Uncle Nialler and-mgmhmfhmhmgmhfmhmf" Niall cut me off by covering up my mouth. I started at him confused. "He doesn't know that yet babe." He said whispering to me.

Dani started laughing. "She called you Dark Vader because you have a deep voice I like her!" Dani said clutching her stomach to catch some air. But went back to serious. "Oh yea forgot *cough* sorry about that." She said ruffling up her curls.

I did the same thing like her to see how it feels and it was fun so I kept ruffling up my hair. Dani crossed her eyes at me and I did the same. We just kept making funny faces at each other most likely that's we're it headed.

Harry cough making me and Dani stop. Stupid dark Vader making us stop, that poop head.

"Ohh" all the kids said covering their mouths. "Did I said that out loud?" I whisper covering my smiled. Luke was first to answer. "Yea you sure did." He said smiling at me blushing.

Harry send me a playful glare and everyone were quietly laughing what I has said. I really need to be careful what I say in my head.

I look up at Niall and made my mouth open like an 'O' barely notching he's I deep trouble. Now that i was thinking more why harry was confused. What the stink bombs? I didn't even knew he was in some band with Harry?

I notice his wife Hannah and my best friend Penny I got out of Uncle Nialler hold and went to give Penny a hug.

"Uhh you forgotten about me." I heard Josh say pouting he was eleven years old probably the oldest out of all these guys. I giggled an gave him his hug.

"Uhh kids how about show Destiny that game we bought a few days ago." Dani said motioning her hands to leave the kitchen.

"OMG I MISS YOU SO MUCH!" Penny said giving me a tight hug which I gladly gave her my tight hugs also. I giggled and hold her hand skippy with her to the living room then I look outside to see a pool. Nice.

"Hey guys how about we forget about the game and go inside the pool." Josh said winking at me. I guess he notice me admiring the pool, all the kids agreed and Logan had to give back Dani the baby Lucy back since she to little.

I put on a one piece swim suit on and ran back downstairs to see half the kids were their. But soon everyone was ready to go.

I ran to the pool and jump inside the cool pool, I swam back up quickly as possible. "Is it cold?" Penny said looking at the pool sacred. I rolled my eyes. "I don't know you have to find out, Pen just jump in." I said smiling up to her and everyone else, becoming more impatiently at her being such a chicken.

Everyone soon came in and I pretty much got along with the kids which I'm glad since I hate awkwardness and hating on people, that's just not me.

"Josh ooohhh Joshua oohh Joshy ohhhhh!" I said in a signing tone while floating on my back. "What Anna banana?" He said. How could he say that to me.

"You bad peasant everyone knows I'm not a banana!" I said splashing his face laughing. "But-but-but your my banana!" He said making a pouring face.

I just rolled my eyes. "Shut up you teenager." I said flora jog his arm. He rubbed his arm. "Are you sure your eight years old birthday gurl?" He said smiling at me.

By now all the kids were gone so it was just Uncle Nialler family with us now. They must still be in that all adult talk where no kids are allowed.

He remember? Harry doesn't even knew today was my birthday. I stared at him wide eye. "You remember?"

"Of course I remember curls your like a little sister to me." He said giving me a kiss on my cheek. Just like what mummy would do on my birthday.

I let the tears flow down my cheeks that I'd been holding ever since my mum funeral. Josh wipe my tears away grabbing me into a hug like if I was a baby again.

"I miss mummy Joshy." I whisper wrapping my little arms around his neck really tightly well not that tight I could choke him or anything.

"We all miss her curls." He said. I hate crying in front if people actually I only cried front of Alex. Oh how I miss my weirdo friend Alex.

"How about we go and make ice cream aye." He said making me giggle. He's always eating and never gets fat like me that's why he's my best cousin.

I nodded and made a run to the kitchen. I laugh all the way with Josh running right behind me. "Tickle monster going to get you!" He laugh. I rolled me eyes. "I'm not a baby no more Joshy!" I said bumping into someone.

It was Uncle Niall picking me up to his hip giving me a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "Happy birthday curls!" I peck his cheek and let go of his grip and ran to the kitchen to see Joshy already making the chocolate ice cream.

We finished eating our ice cream, Penny join also since she gave me a best friend bracelet. It was made out of gold with dolphins, turtles, nemo (fish), and starfish.

"Aww thanks you guys!" I said giving Penny and Joshy a hug. I'm so happy to know them since ongoing through my mum death still, I'm just some lucky fishy.

"C'mon guys it's time to go!" Uncle Nialler said smiling looking at the present I got. "I see my curls love her present." He said I nodded my head.

Harry finally came downstairs and said our goodbyes to them. But the only thing I kept wondering was, why is Harry eyes are so red and puffy?

I ran to him hugging his leg. "Harreh why are you crying?" I said smiling up at him but faded away when I saw tears flow down his cheeks.

He pick me up and walk to the living room putting me on his lap so I could stare at him.

We watch tv for awhile really quite, but Harry finally broke the ice. "Annalise why did mummy leave me?" He said playing with my hair.

I look at him surprised by his words. "Are you sure we want to know harry?" I said staring at him nervously. He shook his head impatiently.

"Alright this is what mummy told me *sigh* she left you because you were still a little kid and she knew you weren't well not ready I guess. But Harry she still love you and always did, but she never told me who you were actually well we lived in London but when I turned seven she decided to leave since it brought her bad memories but I didn't knew what she mean by that but now I know why. It was of you Harreh. Every where she went she'll see your face and it brought her down because it probably brought her down that she left her love out of the blue." I said taking a deep breathe and look at Harry who look shock at me by my words.

"Are you sure your seven?" Harry said. I rolled my eyes but realized what he said. He'd isn't know today was my birthday should I tell him nah he already feels like poop.

"I'm sure Harreh. I'm tired I'm going to bed alright." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek and made my way to my large bedroom. I swear my room it the size of my old home back at California. Crazy right!


I couldn't go to sleep its probably after midnight or something. I got up and grab a picture of me and mummy under my pillow. I sigh. Why did she had to leave with someone who doesn't even know me that well. I'll rater be living with Uncle Nialler.

I put the picture back and went to get some glass of milk to help me sleep but before I did I heard someone crying quietly.

I peek Harry door open to see him crawl up in his bed holding something in his hand. Noisy me went to see what he was holding. Good he hasn't notice me yet.

I check and it was a picture of him an my mummy hugging each other smiling. It look like their teenage he years though. You could even see in their eyes how much loved it was filled but still is now.

Harry was holding my mummy on his lap with a flower rose on the top of her ear. They were both smiling like Cheshire cats but not creepy looking though.

I didn't even notice Harry staring at me. He wiped his tears away quickly. "Annalise is everything alright?"

I got top of his bed and sat next to him. "Yes, but is everything alright with you buddy?" I smiled up at him making him smile a little but faded away.

"Harreh you know you could tell me anything, although I'm a little kid I do understand what's going on well now I do."

"Nothing I just miss your wonderful mother Annalise." He said pecking my cheeks. "It's Anna Harreh." I said getting comfortable on his bed.

"No it's Annalise." He said pecking my cheeks smiling. I giggled I'll just let that slid for now.

I grab the picture he was holding and admire it. My mum was so beautiful she was so outgoing and that's what I'm going to miss the most.

"Aww baby don't cry?" He said carry me like a baby. I sob louder on his chest letting it all out. I still had more tears to go but died down when I heard Harry signing quietly.

' I'll whisper quietly, I'll give you nothing but truth, I'll hold you tightly, I'll give you nothing but truth, If you're not inside me, I'll put my future in you

You are my one and only. You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight. Oh, you are my one and only. You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight. And you'll be alright.

Oh, you're just a small bump unknown, you'll grow into your skin. With a smile like hers and a dimple beneath your chin. Finger nails the size of a half grain of rice, And eyelids closed to be soon opened wide A small bump, in four months you'll open your eyes.'

I soon started to fall asleep by Harry's sighing quietly.

"I love you daddy."

----Harry p.o.v------

"I love you daddy." Annalise said peacefully going to sleep.

When heard those four words I stop singing and kiss her cheeks. I'm so happy I found out about Annalise she just as beautiful and outgoing as her mother.

I finally find myself asleep proud. She called me daddy.

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