Chapter One

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Year: 2020

Month: June 9

Mom: 26


Annalise born: July 6,2012



I was raising my hand up in the air like no tomorrow. I know this answer and every butt head in this class was getting it wrong.

"Ann do you know the answer?" Mrs.Gal said finally picking me to answer the question. No lady I don't know the answer that's why I kept jumping out of my seat.

"It's 45!" I said throwing my hands up I the air. Like come one guys we been practicing this stuff for awhile. "Correct!" She said smiling.

If your wondering where I am this point it's obviously I'm at this place called prison but some people call it school.

It's the last day of school for second grade and were playing 'guess that number' which it's so easy to play. I get the math skills from my mommy.


"Alright kids goodbye now hope you have fun during break!" Mrs. Gal said smiling. I ran up to her giving her a hug. She's a very beautiful lady with long brown hair that stops to her hips and she very young to be a teacher.

"Oh bye sweetie I'll miss you the most!" She said pecking on my cheek. I giggled and said our goodbyes.

I grab my little skateboard for kids. Yes I know how to ride a skateboard my friend Alex showed me he's my best friend in the whole in tire world!

"Hey Ann wait for me!" Alex said catching up to me. I stop and started getting really bored just standing here. Especially my mommy told me she has great news for me.

Alex gave me a hug which I don't mind it's not like he has cooties or anything. Well I made him go to the school nurse to make sure.

"Come on let's get some ice cream at Sally shop!" Alex said happily. I nodded my head happy also. Sally she the nicest lady in the world she always let us have free ice cream!

"Beep beep coming through!" I said riding my skateboard through the crowd of California streets. Yes people I live in California. We use to live in London but mommy said she couldn't handle it anymore. What ever that suppose to mean.

"SALLY!" We both scream walking in the very busy ice cream shop. I'm not surprise since it's a hot day in San Diego.

"All my little babies are here Jerry give these kids free ice cream!" Sally said giving us hugs and pinching Alex cheeks on purpose. I laugh because he was getting mad.

We got our ice cream cones and left to my house to hang out.

"MOMMY! ALEX IS HERE!" I said putting my skateboard away. I didn't get no answer back. My mommy is very ill she has breast cancer she never told me what it means though. All she said its something really bad.

I ran to her room she was laying down asleep. She look very pale and her lips were really pink. Do people look like that when they go to sleep.

"Mommy get up Alex is here!" I said jumping on her bed to get her up but it didn't work. Why isn't mommy getting up?! Now she would never tell me the great news of my life!

"Alex my mommy won't get up!" I said running downstairs. She just tired probably. I should call my aunty Lily to take care of us.

"She probably just tired Ann you should call Lily!" Alex said licking his last bit if chocolate ice cream. I finish my ice cram along time ago.

I called my aunty Lily she finally came. "Where's your mommy?" She said kissing my forehead. I closed my eyes and look up to her. "She sleeping but she won't get up Aunty Lily. She probably tired." I said tilting my head confused because when I wake her up she wakes up of course. Something bad.

"Alright you kids stay here." She said with tears in her eyes walking to my mommy room. I look at Alex confused and so did he.

We put on Spongebob Squarepants and we were laughing our butts off. Till I heard screaming which scared me and Alex.

"Ann call the Ambulance now!" Lily said with tears in her eyes. I was confused why but I still called them.

"Hello how may I help you today?" A lady said through the phone. "Uh my aunty wanted me to call you I don't know what happening" I said crying for a unknown reason. I'm so scared what if its about mommy.

I told the lady what's my address and everything. Alex was helping me to relax he help me to stop crying. "Hey everything is going to be okay Annalise." Alex said using my real name. I nodded my head.

Then we heard sirens coming louder and louder. I check out side and saw people coming to my door I open it. I showed them my mommy room.

They took her away. Why are they taking away my mommy?!

"Alex honey I called your mommy she outside now." Lily said. I gave Alex another big hug. "Call me okay." He said kissing my cheek. I nodded my head and he left.

"What happen to mommy?" I ask my aunty who was still crying.

"It was just her time already baby girl." She said grabbing and putting me in a car with her. "We're going to see your mommy at the hospital okay baby." She said driving.

What's happening?


We made it the emergency room. I hope they saved my sister life. Please her daughter is only seven years old she needs a mother.

I told the front office lady to my sister room she had me a paper 'Molly Anderson room 145 second floor' I muttered a thank you and grab Annalise little hand.

We had to wait in this little room for about an hour. Till a doctor came. I stood up quickly.

"I'm disorder she didn't make it. It was to late." The doctor said then walk away.

I broke down crying. No not my little sister Molly this isn't happening. Why is this happening. That should be me dead on that bed.

"Aunty Lily I'm so confused what happen to mommy?" Annalise said confuse. I should tell her now or never. Poor little girl.

"Babe mommy dead she gone forever and I don't think I can't take are of you." I said looking at her tearing eyes. She kept shaking her head.

"Who am I going to live with now I want my mommy!" She said breaking down crying. She cover her face wit her little hands.

"The good news that mommy was going to tell you that your going to be living with your daddy. Do you remember that one band 'One Direction' and the guy with curly hair?" I said willing her tears away.

"Yea I remember mommy said she meet him before." She said more calmly.

I chuckled. "We'll that's your daddy and you'll be living with him babe in London. I can't take care of you I wish I could but you know how I'm always traveling the world." I said kissing her forehead.

"He my daddy oohh so that's why my last name is Styles but what I he doesn't like me Lily?" She said playing with little fingers nervously.

I just laugh at her she just stubborn as her mother. "Don't worry babe he would love you!" I said picking her up and walking to my car. I sigh this means I have to call Harry.

Annalise went fast asleep I tucked her into bed and kiss her forehead.

I called his number and e finally pick up.

"Harry it's me Lily..."

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