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"no," she laughed, not at him but more at the irony and the flustered expression he wore. "it's an equalangrual triangle; all the angles are congruent."

"that literally has no meaning to me," he groaned. she was laughing harder, and her hand flew up to cover the girly giggles coming from her mouth. but in the process she let out a small snort, and then another, and all confusion and pain he was having was lost.

there was a grin spread across his face, and he couldn't help but chuckle a few times himself. it wasn't an act, god no, he really didn't know the difference between an equalangrual triangle and a regular polygon, but she was beautiful, and he kind of really liked her.

she took a deep breath, smile still etched on her face, "sorry. i don't normally react to your lack of mathematical skills like that."

"it's an honor to entertain you as much as i do with my failures in conquest of angles and numbers." and she rolled her eyes before the last word left his mouth.

"sure, sure." she laughed a little more. "okay but do you understand what the difference between an equalangrual triangle and an equilateral triangle.." and her words began to slow to a halt because suddenly the expression he was wearing was a serious one and he was sort of just watching her. 

her eyes slid from his to his lips and she scolded herself. you can't.

but nobody said he couldn't. because before she could say anything his lips were on hers. and at first she was frozen, but he made her all warm inside, because she was kissing him back, and his hand was somewhere north of her throat, and his other somewhere south of her hip.

she pulled away though and stood hastily, rubbing the back of her neck with her hand. "elise, i'm so sorry, i-" he stood too.

"it's not you, i'm so sorry," she murmured, scooping up her jacket and her tote bag.

"please, elise-" he began to follow her as she ran out the door but it was no use.

"i'll see you on wednesday." were her last words to him that day, and almost that week, but he wouldn't let someone like her slip away, not ever.

but the door slamming shut behind her hurt, not because he was terrible at math and couldn't figure out the steps they took to get there, but because she kissed him back, and ran away.

don't look at me u all kno ur just as boy-crazed ok don't

i've also never taken geometry ok so shush ur mouth

i've also never tutored any attractive boys 

i'm working on that last one tho ok pray w/ me man

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